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Assassin's Creed

DWG Creator

Personal Information
Join Date:Oct 6, 2011
BirthdayApril 9th, 1984
DWG Creator's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Discussion Sparker
Discussion Sparker

This user created a thread which attracted 150 or more replies.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Miscellaneous Service
Miscellaneous Service

This user has performed some sort of miscellaneous service for Xbox America that deserves to be recognized.

Gamertag Info
GamertagDWG Creator
DWG Creator's Shoutbox
Meta - 12 years ago

you may have received a weird error message but your PMs about the thread did get through

theoneandonly99 - 13 years ago

Done with Fifa I sent a pm asking for who is next to receive it.

CRAWFORD - 13 years ago

I just noticed that I made a mistake on my list. I do not want to receive the Mass Effect DLC disk. Sorry.

CRAWFORD - 13 years ago

Did you get my games list pm for the waffle thread? Also, how do I start receiving games now that I've given you my list?

PureEvil x21 - 13 years ago

Also done with Jumper. Sent a PM to make it easier.

PureEvil x21 - 13 years ago

Can you let me know who gets the uDraw, my kids love it so my wife just bought it the other day, so I'll send this one out. Also, I think I'm gonna send out Conan, tried it and it sucks, so let me know on that one as well please....

Dr Feelgood 474 - 13 years ago

Finished Madden 11, could you let me know who to send it to?

AJ - 13 years ago

Well, I was hoping people would send me their address and shipping money, but it looks like no one is going to. I'm probably not going to start Main Event until I get it back, so go ahead and send me that list of 5 games and your address again.

AJ - 13 years ago

Who is getting NCIS, Hogan's Main Event and the drawing pad and both games?

DWG Creator - 13 years ago

Thanks all

Mindy - 13 years ago

Happy Birfday!

lll PAPOOSE lll - 13 years ago

happy birthday

PureEvil x21 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Dr Feelgood 474 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

- 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Mo the Surfer - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Smasher39 - 13 years ago

Happy birthday!!

AJ - 13 years ago

Get those games yet?

AJ - 13 years ago

You gonna complete Aegis Wing?

Meta - 13 years ago

Medal get! Thank you for your efforts with the Waffle Thread. XBA <3's U!

- 13 years ago

I donated Fallout New Vegas to the Waffle thread. Just sayin lol