Rock Band DLC 7/27 (Avenged Sevenfold and Juanes)
Avenged Sevenfold - "Nightmare" -- 160MSP
Avenged Sevenfold - "Scream" -- 160MSP
Avenged Sevenfold - "Sieze the Day" -- 160MSP
Juanes - "A Dios le Pido" -- 160MSP
Juanes - "Fijate Bien" -- 160MSP
Juanes - "Gotas de Agua Dulce" -- 160MSP
Juanes - "La Camisa Negra" -- 160MSP
Juanes - "Mala Gente" -- 160MSP
Juanes - "Yerbatero" -- 160MSP
Probably will pick up the A7X songs even though I'm not a huge fan of theirs, probably a no-buy on the foreign songs though.