Netflix Update 4/9/12

Like many of you, I utilize the Netflix application on my Xbox. While the selection of movies may be ass and many shows are far behind their actual season/episode, I always seem to find myself watching something on Netflix and putting off shows I've downloaded or usually watch real time.
Some of you may have noticed the update today, 4/9/12, and if you're like me you may wonder what the update includes. I was curious so I decided to do some digging and some of the new features are pretty neat. See below for the most interesting/useful features:
- Single sign on with cloud profile makes it easier to enjoy Netflix on another Xbox 360, wherever you are. For example when visiting a friend’s house you can use their Xbox 360 with Netflix after signing on with your Xbox LIVE credentials
- Better color contrast, making colors more vivid and black more pure
- If you’re a member in Canada, Latin America, the UK or Ireland, we have also created more opportunities to share TV shows and movies in the connected world and for you to discover more great stuff to watch through your friends. Members that have connected with their Facebook friends on Netflix can now see what their friends have watched and rated on Netflix. In addition, we have made it easier to decide what you want to share with your Facebook friends when enjoying Netflix on your Xbox
The cloud feature is definitely some that many people can benefit from, I know you can only add a certain number of devices to a Netflix account (I think the max is 5 but it may have changed) but now with the cloud, whichever Xbox you sign into with your profile, you will have full access to Netflix. People with multiple consoles will definitely benefit from this. There's a few more features that were added as well and if you want the whole list check the source at the bottom of the article.