Archived: Article Discussion: Microsoft Studios Sale
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 4:57 pm | #17
Quote by AJ:
Well, guess I'll be picking up the Crackdown DLCs. Hopefully Minioger still has it.
You can boost with us AJ. As long as you take that ugly green thing off your controller first.

Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 5:40 pm | #18
I dunno if I'll ever be on when you guys are. I work 4-midnight this week and not sure about next week. I'll probably only need help with the tac lockdown achievement.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 9:02 pm | #22
I've been meaning to get those Halo Wars DLC packs for some time now. I guess now is as good as any.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 9:15 pm | #23
I'll be buying the Alan Wake dlc. such a good game.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 9:21 pm | #24
Got the 2 Crackdown DLC's. Only things I could afford with my remaining MSP's lol.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 9:31 pm | #25
I need to get the signal for Alan Wake, I also want the halo wars dlc but I don't even own the game yet.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/26/11 9:51 pm | #26
I went ahead and bought the Kinect Sports challenge.
Forewarning to anyone buying the Fable 3 Traitors pack. Do NOT play online co-op with anyone until you get your "Set Them Free!" achievement. (Open all Demon Doors.) The game will glitch and set your counter back to zero, and you can't open them again. It happened to a bunch of people, including me, and the common denominator between all of us was that we played online after downloading the DLC. All of us complained directly to Lionhead, and they said that it there will NOT be a patch for it. You only way to get your completion is to start the game form scratch.
If you want to feel extra safe here's a second tip
From X360A: Here is the fix, which is time consuming, but if you don’t want to wait for the patch and want it done here is what you do.
Play the entire game without opening any Demon Doors and make the Traitor’s Keep Demon Door the first you open. You can then open any other Demon Door after in no specific order because the glitched Door(Traitor's Keep) went to 1/7 which would be correct anyway
TLDR: Don't play traitors keep online. 'Cheivo will glitch.
Forewarning to anyone buying the Fable 3 Traitors pack. Do NOT play online co-op with anyone until you get your "Set Them Free!" achievement. (Open all Demon Doors.) The game will glitch and set your counter back to zero, and you can't open them again. It happened to a bunch of people, including me, and the common denominator between all of us was that we played online after downloading the DLC. All of us complained directly to Lionhead, and they said that it there will NOT be a patch for it. You only way to get your completion is to start the game form scratch.
If you want to feel extra safe here's a second tip
From X360A: Here is the fix, which is time consuming, but if you don’t want to wait for the patch and want it done here is what you do.
Play the entire game without opening any Demon Doors and make the Traitor’s Keep Demon Door the first you open. You can then open any other Demon Door after in no specific order because the glitched Door(Traitor's Keep) went to 1/7 which would be correct anyway
TLDR: Don't play traitors keep online. 'Cheivo will glitch.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/27/11 12:59 am | #28
Wow. Everything I would buy I already have. At full f'n price...for example: all Halo 3 maps, all Halo Reach maps, all Gears 2 maps, all Fable 3 DLC. Then the rest of its just trash I'm never gonna play. Well, at least the people who didn't get it can at a cheaper price.
Re: Microsoft Studios Sale
07/27/11 9:24 am | #29
Hells yeah!!! I was waiting for the Fable 3 DLC to drop in price. . . now I can finally complete it!!