Layers of Fear is an adventure-style game with a strong psychological horror theme. Looked interesting to me but I was waiting for it to go on sale, so free is even better! Only person I know that played this is our own Epic Troll Mom, and she said it was mostly good but short with a few visual glitches.
Borderlands 2 is a fun shooter and a worthy sequel to the original that improves upon it in most ways -- more story, better characters, larger assortment of weapons. Unfortunately, this is the 360 version, so that means if you want to double-dip the achievements you'll still have to shell out for the Handsome Jack Collection.
Evolve is an asymmetrical online game where 4 players control hunters and work together to try to take down the 5th player who controls a powerful monster. This is the Ultimate Edition which means it comes with a few extra player characters, weapons, abilities and an extra monster or two. I have heard the online community for this is practically dead, so if you want to try it my suggestion would be to grab it as soon as it's available on the 16th -- come April, it will probably be dead again.
Heavy Weapon is a twin-stick arcade shooter that was an early XBLA title. It's incredibly cheap of them to put this in GwG this late, but whatever, at least it's a fun game. It's only worth 200G, but most of the achievements are easy. You may need some luck for the last one, and will also need to do a 4p game session but I believe this can be done online. +edit+ ok apparently one of the achievements requires a second local player, so be aware if you're a completionist - you will need a second controller.
Ivanka Trump is kinda hot, I want her to wear an edible bikini made of Fruit Rollups and come play Diablo with me.
Rogue One is coming out on March 24th! Different retailers have different editions of the Blu-ray -- I like the Target one best.
BoyzRFlatt has an unhealthy relationship with several older women and regularly pays them in money & drugs to fart on cakes.
Minioger is douche. It is known.