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Archived: Article Discussion: Gears of War: Judgment Announced
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Re: Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/02/12 10:15 am | #16
Quote by Tig:
Can't imagine what Seriously 4.0 could be like...

Good God.... no dont make me think about that!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/02/12 10:31 am | #17
Quote by Redemtionownage:
Quote by Minioger:
Copy and paste from TA much?
Don't be a Craftsman dude. You posted that without any kind of link or source, as if it was your actual post, with no credit to the actual person at TA that posted it. Add to that the fact that I already think your a tool for bragging about being in the lead of this weeks comp with an obvious 2nd account, which pretty much removes any right to actually brag about the win, and it makes you look like a real douche.
Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/02/12 10:35 am | #18
I wonder if this is going to be peer to peer - like Gears 1 + 2 - or if Cliffy B is going to be making the case for 'servers' again - like Gears 3?
Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/03/12 1:38 am | #19
As sad as it is, I guess I have to call myself a Gears fanboy.
I enjoy Gears the way "typical" gamers crack out to Halo, Madden or Call of Duty.
Because of its timing, Gears has just always felt like a uniquely 360 thing, I love getting people to try it and competing with friends, and I will probably buy up whatever crap Epic spouts out whether it's good or bad.
Re: Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/03/12 2:21 pm | #21
Quote by BIGP 6:
Ok so I just got all the digital copies of the GOW books now I'm tryin to get the comics I've got 1-12 but can't find the rest....does anybody know where I can find 13-23?
Would you be willing to PM me the details on how to get these? I have the first 3 books, Aspho Fields, Anvil Gate and Jacinto's Remnant.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/03/12 3:10 pm | #23
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by BIGP 6:
why you pissed at EPIC.....did i miss something
Long story short need 1 more "event" for Seriously 3.0 & the completion, but they arent making new ones.
Back on topic: I'm not sure I like the idea of Cole & Baird being the main characters, but more streamlined controls are always a plus IMO.
There's a new one going on right now!!!
Re: Gears of War: Judgment
06/03/12 3:59 pm | #25
I'm excited for it. The new overrun mode sounds very cool. I'm a fan of all the Gears stories, and a big fan of Horde mode, so I'll likely buy whatever this game is on day one. The new adapting AI and the streamlined controls all sound like positives to me. I'll be watching E3 tomorrow to get scoop on it.
Article Created
06/04/12 8:13 am | #26
This thread has been automagically merged with a newly-written article.
Re: Gears of War: Judgment Announced
06/04/12 8:18 am | #27
This could prove to be quite interesting. Also, just as a reminder, any threads merged into articles will still give credit to the OP for the Discussion Sparker award, in case anyone was wondering. Also, it seems that Bulletstorm Dev "People Can Fly" will be headlining the development of Judgement, not Epic.
This could be good and bad, depending on your opinion; Bulletstorm haters keep in mind, however, that People Can Fly also ported the original Gears over to PC, and added in what some consider the best act of the game, as well as creating several PC-exclusive multiplayer maps that were later ported back over to Gears 2.
Re: Re: Gears of War: Judgment Announced
06/04/12 8:44 am | #28
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
This could prove to be quite interesting. Also, just as a reminder, any threads merged into articles will still give credit to the OP for the Discussion Sparker award, in case anyone was wondering. Also, it seems that Bulletstorm Dev "People Can Fly" will be headlining the development of Judgement, not Epic.
This could be good and bad, depending on your opinion; Bulletstorm haters keep in mind, however, that People Can Fly also ported the original Gears over to PC, and added in what some consider the best act of the game, as well as creating several PC-exclusive multiplayer maps that were later ported back over to Gears 2.
Great, I was not aware of that. Everybody can expect the next Seriously..... To be insanely fucked up, as these guys were also responsible for adding a 2nd Seriously, called Not So Seriously....., to the PC version of Gears 1.
Re: Gears of War: Judgment Announced
06/04/12 8:50 am | #29
I forgot about that achievement...maybe this isn't such a good thing :-/
Re: Gears of War: Judgment Announced
06/04/12 12:10 pm | #30
I've never played or even watched Gears on the PC, was it that much better? I may go back and give it a shot.
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