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Archived: Article Discussion: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
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Re: Re: Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/11/11 9:15 pm | #16
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
All the pass does for you is let you get one dlc for free, I for one will be waiting for all the dlc's for one price which will more then likely be cheaper then that.
....they are one price. it's called "the season pass price". at a 33% discount. what else could you possibly be waiting for? 2 years in the future where the next Gears game is coming out and they drop the price to 200 MS points? wait, are you high?

Yes thats exactly what Im waiting for and the season pass is 33% off becasue one out of the four dlc's is free. Thats all the season pass is good for, four dlc's. Guess someone should have read the fine print.
Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/11/11 9:19 pm | #17
Technically you could say that, yeah. 3 of the DLCs are 800 points and one of them is going to be 1200 or 1600, so buying the Season Pass is basically like getting one free.
And, yes, there will probably be a GOTY edition or similar of Gears 3 that has the first 4 or more DLC included and will be cheaper overall. That is definitely a good option for people that don't do multiplayer at all and don't have a bunch of friends playing right now.
What I and others are paying the premium for is to enjoy the new stuff right away with friends and while the multiplayer community is thriving.
Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/11/11 9:43 pm | #18
Yes but when is the community not thriving? There are still quite a bit of people that play gears one and gears two is still huge, all Im saying is that I dont have the money to be throwing all over the place for every game I buy two much other stuff to take care of, especially with Skyrim and Battlefield right around the corner.
Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/11/11 11:07 pm | #20
I doubt they are going to release another deal on all the content on the marketplace. The whole point of the season pass is to get all the DLC at a discount (and what the liquid metal skins as a bonus?).
Now a GotY edition I can see. But Epic stated they will take the season pass off the market when it doesn't make sense anymore. I foresee this becoming a new trend to reward those who purchase the DLC early. My money is that they will only discount one or two of the DLCs at any given point just to make this season pass worthwhile....
Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/12/11 12:53 am | #21
to be honest I don"t think the season pass is worth it. you"re not actually saving any money, you're just spending the money in advance to the dlc coming out
Re: Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/12/11 3:15 am | #22
Quote by Minioger:
The whole point of the season pass is to get all the DLC at a discount
Well, to get the first 4 DLC things at a discount. They have specifically stated that the pass is good for the first 4 things they release, and plus it's a "season" pass which means if everything goes well enough, there will probably be a second "season" of DLC and junk. I assume.
And yes I like making an ass out of u and me.
Quote by Superman:
to be honest I don"t think the season pass is worth it. you"re not actually saving any money, you're just spending the money in advance to the dlc coming out
This isn't quite true. They are doing 3 DLC packs at 800 points per and 1 at 1200 or 1600.
As stated in earlier posts, when you buy the Season Pass you are effectively buying 3 and getting the 4th free.
The Season Pass is $30 or 2400 points.
Buying the first 4 DLC individually would cost $50, or 4000 points. Or $40/3200 points depending on how much the big DLC thing costs.
Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/12/11 4:37 am | #24
you guys don't understand the money they say you're gonna save on the dlc with buying the season pass, is what you're spending to buy the season pass so you're really not saving anything
Re: Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/12/11 5:23 am | #25
Quote by Superman:
you guys don't understand the money they say you're gonna save on the dlc with buying the season pass, is what you're spending to buy the season pass so you're really not saving anything
are you high too?

no one can do math tonight.
Re: Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/16/11 7:41 pm | #27
Quote by BIGP 6:
Also playable in Beast mode and privately hosted Versus matches, the Horde Command Pack promises to extend your “Gears of War 3” experience with countless hours of multiplayer mayhem on Xbox LIVE. Stay tuned for future game add-on announcements including new campaign and multiplayer content, bringing you more of the year’s biggest blockbuster later this winter.
Ive noticed that every time i see or hear something about this dlc they always put emphasis on privately hosted matches are they trying to say that these maps will not be available in standard versus matches.
usually, when i see something like that it's just screaming at me "hey, turns out you can get the achievement the EASY way. just get your friends together and play while you host!"
Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/16/11 11:13 pm | #28
anyone want to boost the achievements when it releases?
Re: Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/16/11 11:22 pm | #29
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
anyone want to boost the achievements when it releases?
I know me and Chaind Insanity are going to do it. Wanna join?
Re: Re: Re: Gears of War 3 Horde Command Pack
10/17/11 1:45 am | #30
Quote by Michael:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
anyone want to boost the achievements when it releases?
I know me and Chaind Insanity are going to do it. Wanna join?
sure are. still need the other 3.
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