Some critics have said the campaign is not as good as the previous Gears. I don't agree with that. The 4 player co-op is done perfectly, for me anyway, and adds tons of different ways to play and have fun doing so. I will say that I didn't have that feeling of dread, of that total hopelessness that the first two games had. Mostly I think because we all know it's the final game (or so they say, like we never heard that before) an you kinda know the good guy's are gonna win. Can't wait for the new DLC. Not many games add Campaign and MP both with DLC...Nice job Epic!!!
Horde mode is better than ever. I must say I was skeptical about the new "Command Bases" feature. It only took the first time playing to dispel those fears. What a great job of seamlessly adding a huge new addition to a fan favorite mode. Took some balls if you ask me, because if you Fuck it up...that's all your going to hear about...Forever.
I'm feeling the new Beast mode needs a bit more something. Don't get me wrong it is still fun and challenging. (even on casual) I just think there needs to be something more. Hopefully one of the upcoming DLC packs will flesh this mode out and make it feel truly Beast.
The one thing I hear people bitching about is the Achievements, or maybe I should say one particular achievement. I have two thought on this.
1. If you like games with fairly easy achievements to just run up your gamer score, this is a good game for that. Most of the cheevo's can be had pretty fast with minimal effort.
2. If your a completion freak, your gonna work for this one.
What I mean by that is only the people that live, sleep, eat, and dream Gears of War is going to get Seriously 3.0
I will say by the sheer enormity of what must be done, the hardest Achievement...EVER!!!
Not everyone will agree on this, and that's fine. It is after all just My opinion. Wow, this was a lot more then I was gonna post. If you can't tell I really like Gears of War 3.
People chasing 3.0 Good Luck.
If anyone wants to play just hit me up.