Blazblue Patch and DLC Details
Blazblue Calamity Trigger was released in Japan on June 25th 2009 and soon after in the US on the 30th of the same month, however Europe was left out of the Blazblue fun and didn't get the game at the same time as we do. Months later it was announced that Europe would finally be getting the game along with some extras that the other regions didnt have and now there has been confirmation that we should be getting these extras in the form of Downloadable Content as well as a couple bugs tweaked in the game
Downloadable Content
- Extra Colors for the characters
2 Full sets for all 12 characters at the cost of 480 MSP each and 6 downloads of the sets split up at 160 MSP
-Unlimited Characters
Patch Details
-You should be able to go into a "standby" mode in player matches that have already started (normally you couldn't join at all if the match was going)
- Sub Character details on the D-Card is fixed
- A Glitch that crashes player match rooms if someone disconnections at a certain time
- An error that shows your incomplete games at a VERY high amount (Literal example:6,789,123,543)
- Reduce Sound in Rachel's Distortion Attack Baden-Baden Lily and Sword Iris and in Bang's Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan
Now I know most of this is like "who cares" in the eyes of players who don't regularly play Blazblue, but to the hardcore players this is a big deal. The Downloadable Content will not include any achievements , its merely just for players who enjoy the game. The colors aren't that big of a deal just a little extra for players who want it, but the Unlimited Characters for EVERY character is. Normally there were only 4 characters with an "Unlimited" Mode which gives them heighten abilities but soon all the characters will have their own unlimited powers which be fun to play around with in player matches.
The Patch Details aren't that significant but it was nice to know they saw problems in it and decided to do something about it, months after the game was released. As for the reduced sound, if some of you are curious as to why its sound is being reduced its because those specific attacks have a large increase in volume for the second its used which can really hurt one's ears. The patch should have already been made however the DLC is set to be released on the 28th along with many others that were all looking forward to ... coughassassinscreed2cough