Activision to unveil COD MP at LA Convention

For 2 days during labor day weekend Sept 2 and 3 2011 you will be able to check out first hand MW3 MP and how it's related to the new Elite program that has it's Beta coming up on July 14th. Activision, not wanting to say/show to muchuntil then, will be using the COD XP Convention to showcase Elite and hows it's directly related to MW3 game play.
Not only will you get to try out MP but the Spec Ops mode will be available, as mentioned, to give attendees another form of game play to check out but the fun doesn't stop there, no no no... There will be a $1 Million tournament taking place (qualifying taking place in Black Ops prior to the Event and some at the COD: XP itself )
Along the way you could find yourself grabbing something to eat from the recreation of Burgertown from MW2 for lunch or possibly make your way to The Pit and try your hand at setting the best time for a run through. If that's not your thing then check out Scrapyard and shoot it up with some paintball fun and maybe hope in a tournament.
There will also be developer panels, "AAA" Live entertainment, COD Armory, a museum and much more that hasn't been announced as of yet. All of this will be taking place on a 12 Acre compound in Los Angeles, CA and for those less fortunate and not able to attend will be able to follow by watching videos online and through other media both online and on TV Free of charge.
"From the high production values of our live, immersive events -- all the way to the smallest details in every design and activity -- we're pulling out all the stops to make Call of Duty XP the ultimate gathering for the global community of Call of Duty fans," said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg. "The celebration will immerse attendees in a Call of Duty experience unlike anything they've ever seen before. Over the course of two days, gamers can trade Call of Duty war stories, experience the official unveiling of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer and the full feature functionality of Call of Duty Elite, as well as enjoy world-class entertainment and compete head-to-head for some serious cash prizes."
How much does all this cost you ask yourself, well for the pricey amount of $150 you too can share in this convention and try your hand at some of the fun and tournaments that'll be going on. All of the proceeds from this event will actually be donated to the Call of Duty Endowment Group which "helps soldiers transition to civilian careers after their military service." According to Hirshberg, XP would have cost Activision more than it could have raised from ticket sales "so this is partly about raising money for a great cause, and it's partly about just giving something back to our fans."
This will be a Activision MW3 only event no other games will be present just gunfire and grenades for 2 days with a Convention that should prove to be extremely fun with Xbox 360 as the main sponsor. Further info can be found at: