Waffle Order Giveaway

Myself and the other staff (mainly me because they're jerks) have decided we wouldn't get much if I took everything to GameStop and traded them all in, so I'm going to be giving games away to people with sad gamerscores. Who knew having an unimpressive, low gamerscore would pay off?
Anyway, there's a few rules I'd like to go by:
1) Your gamerscore must be 75,000 or lower to participate.
2) You must have at least 75 non-spam posts.
3) You must have joined in the year 2013 or earlier.
4) It would be nice if people receiving games could kick me 5 bucks PayPal for shipping expenses because I'll have to buy boxes, go to a post office, and pay to ship. This is not necessary, however. I will not bring it up if the person picking games does not.
5) Not be in possession of any Waffle Order games.
That's really all I can think of off the top of my head. Here's how this will go down, everyone interested will send me a PM. After I check to see if you fit the aforementioned rules your name will be added to my list.
I'll number the list 1-X (X being the number of participants once everything is ready to go). I'll put all the numbers into a random generator and cycle it a few times. I'll then start with the first person on the new random list and ask them to choose 5-10 games they'd like (10 being the maximum, this could change depending on participants). If you're last on the list and there's nothing left you want, you can either take some games for trade credit or simply let the next person in line choose their games.
Well, that should just about do it. Go ahead and PM me if you think you meet all the criteria. I'll update this thread later once I get a list of people.
Confirmed Participants
1) Bardfor
2) Dvader83
3) Timm the Zombie
4) Daemon
5) ReDeFiNe PRiDe
6) RissaGoesRawr
Order decided by random number generator:
5) ReDeFiNe PRiDe - MIA - Missed Selection
That's it.
Stop reading.