Archived: Article Discussion: The Most Vile. Disgusting. Thing. Ever. It's Roast Time!
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Re: The Most Vile. Disgusting. Thing. Ever. It's Roast Time!
12/22/14 3:41 pm | #76
Mindy has cooties.
Re: The Most Vile. Disgusting. Thing. Ever. It's Roast Time!
12/26/14 12:45 am | #77
I also hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I wrote a heartfelt letter to Santa and had great expectations for an excellent holiday haul. But all he left me was this card:

Re: The Most Vile. Disgusting. Thing. Ever. It's Roast Time!
12/27/14 12:37 pm | #78
I'm not saying Mindy is promiscuous...
......but she's a whore.
......but she's a whore.