It is definitely worth playing but not a ton of money.
The Choice of Destiny

It is true that we all have a destiny, but it is not written in stone. We can change who we are, and who we will be. Our past is not a conclusive determination to our future. These ideas are the backbone of the game, X-Men: Destiny. A game that is built on the foundation of choice, and how your choices effect your end result.
These choices are played out through the eyes of three characters that were created just for this game. Aimi Yoshida a young mutant girl born in Japan, who finds herself struggling with anger due to abandonment. Grant Alexander a mutant from Georgia, who appears to be your typical "Jock". And Adrian Luca a mutant from California, who has been trained to hate mutants by his anti-mutant extremist father.

Once your character has been choosen we see his/her first views on the mutant-human peace movement. Unfortunately this peace is short-lived, and your character is now thrust into a war that they are not ready for. Luckily your character is provided guidance during this conflict by several familiar mutants (EX: Wolverine, Mystique, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Magneto). During this guidance your character must participate in several missions and challenges. It is through these missions and challenges that your character makes his/her choices. These choices end in your character deciding what team they will join, the X-Men or the Brotherhood. Despite this choice the end of the game is pretty much the same.
The story is quite engaging, and the character dialog is intelligent and well paced. The graphics and character design are on par with most 2011 games. Mutant abilities and upgrades are interesting, and allow some replay value. The NPC interactions and teamwork is on point. Often times I found the NPC making more kills than I did.
However despite these positives the game is riddled with flaws. The game play is extremely repetitive. You move from one area to the next area solely through the number of people you kill. Bonus Challenges are stumbled upon with no real clue to their existence. If you fail a challenge you are locked out of it during the story mode, and must replay it from the start screen. In addition the replay challenge screen gives no indication which challenges were failed or passed. Finally despite the appearance of a choice branching game it is still very linear. You fight the same bosses, you complete the same missions, and you have access to the same costumes and x-genes.
I believe the game is worth playing (at least to hear the story), but I am not sure it is worth buying.