Score Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Irish-- AKA The March Community Spotlight

Well folks. Top o' the morning to ye. I got a little bit o' the Irish in me shorts.
That said, I had the lovely pleasure of interviewing one of our
Aldemar: So, I thought we'd change things up a bit, and start off with the obligatory, "Hi my name's _____, and I'm an-" Oh dear. My apologies. Wrong introduction. I may or may not have mixed up my notes on the way here. So....Irish, tell us, the Community, a bit about yourself.

Irish: Well first off, let me say it's an honor to get the spotlight for my favorite month of the year since it holds both my b-day and my favorite holiday. My name is Gavin & I'm a 31 (turning 32 this Sunday) year old gamer. I've lived my whole life in Ohio. I'm the middle child of three brothers. Both of my brothers now live out in the Los Angeles area. My older brother lives in Venice & works for Fox Sports Radio. My younger brother lives with his girlfriend in Santa Monica & currently works for some swanky restaurant near the Santa Monica Promenade. My brothers & I got our start in gaming back in the day with our Coleco-Vision. Our favorite games were Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Time Pilot, Carnival & even the Smurfs game (don’t judge us)!
I currently live with my cousin Jeremiah, who is disabled. I'm employed independently as his home-care provider. He was born with Cerebral Palsy & has spent his entire life in a wheelchair. We first moved in together when he transferred to Kent State University to finish his Bachelor’s degree & earn his Masters in English Literature. He is employed part-time as an English instructor at Firelands College, which is a local branch of Bowling Green State University, for the last four years now.
Aldemar: Well that was quite a mouthful. Note: If China calls, I'm not here. So now we know you, the person, and your lack of ties to the Irish mafia. What else do you enjoy doing besides gaming and achievement hunting?
Irish: I'm a big fan of Ohio State football & basketball along with all the Cleveland franchises and ever since my brother starting working for FSR, I've become a big fan of sports talk radio. I was raised on Browns football back in the 80's when they actually competed in the playoffs on a consistent basis. John Elway & the Denver Broncos ruined my childhood!
I also love to read and keep up on my favorite TV series. I'm currently reading Game of Thrones by George R.R. Miller in preparation for the HBO series that starts next month. Some of my favorite authors are Robert Jordan & now Brandon Sanderson along with Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Adams, Chuck Hogan & “THE MASTER” Stephen King. Some of my favorite shows are just about every FX, HBO & Showtime series. A couple new favorites are Lights Out on FX and The Chicago Code on FOX.
Aldemar: And now for a completely unsettling turn of events! So how did the gamertag come to be? Why Irish OH? (I am being so different and original

Irish: Well, I started using IRiSH or some variation of it back in my SOCOM days on PS2 to show my pride in my deep Irish roots. My great great great Grandfather came from County Cork in Southern Ireland. I think I started with DrunknIrishman & then later shortened it to just IRiSH. It was already taken when I started my Xbox live account so I just added the OH for Ohio.

Aldemar: Good ol' SOCOM. Played it for the whole two weeks I had a PS2 back in 2003. Good times, but I was awful at games then. So, you seem to be quite the family man. Does that reflect in your taste in games at all? Pwning noobs, or just kicking back and relaxing?
Irish: Well I'd say I'm definitely all about kicking back and relaxing when it comes to gaming. I just love cracking open a new game & diving into the story or roaming around an open world game. I do however enjoy some competitive multiplayer action every now and then. I just tried the MP on Singularity for the first time last night and was surprised how fun it is. I'm really enjoying the story as well. It's kinda like BioShock meets Half Life 2.

Aldemar: Open worlder, eh? What do you think about the upcoming Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?
Irish: Skyrim and LA Noire have to be my most anticipated games of this year. I had such a blast with Oblivion which I finally played last summer after it sat on my shelf for almost a year. I'm still grateful for Evol loaning me his strategy guide or I wouldn't had any clue what to do on a a number of quests, especially the final Thieves Guild quest.
Aldemar: I hear you about the Thieves Guild. Besides the Mage's Guild, it was the easiest to get kicked out of. I was a Dark Brotherhood fan myself. Indulging that darker side is a lot of fun. Killing. Kill. Kill. Kill! Ehem. What would you say you're looking forward to most in Skyrim? I heard they revamped the level system and the combat. Also dragons.
Irish: It's pretty damn hard to pick one thing that I'm looking forward too most. If I really had to pick one thing, it would them devoting a little more of the budget to voice talent.

Aldemar: Earlier you mentioned your favourite holiday is this month. Do I need to guess?
Irish: Well, you are Canadian. But then again, Canada got more than their fair share of Irish immigrants so I imagine you celebrate St. Paddy's day north of the border as well. Am I right?

Aldemar: Correct. I just love those little clover leaf cookies they bring out. Nom nom nom. So. While I eat these cookies, why don't you tell us what you like most about the community?
Irish: just appreciate that it's still a great online community and that the staff does a helluva job. It's always nice to know that there's plenty of fellow gamers to chat about whatever and help each other get cheevos.
Aldemar: Aw shucks. Any shout-outs you want to make?
Irish: A big shout to the Evol household. I hope everything is going well for you guys down south. I probably wouldn't even be a member here if Evol hadn't recommended the site to me.
Aldemar: Awesome. Those Evol's are pretty cool people, and we'll probably be looking at more of them joining us in the future. (wink wink) Well Irish, I think we'll leave if off here. But one quick question before we go...Do you find it odd that we've interviewed two Irish related gamers back to back?
Irish: Not at all. The Irish deserve all the love they can get.
Aldemar: Well, thanks for taking the time to be this month's spotlight, Irish! Happy birthday to you as well, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
So that is all folks. Remember to comment down below and don't forget to throw ideas out there for next month's spotlight! Who knows, maybe we could do three Irish related 'tags in a row? The possibilities are endless folks! Until next time, Aldemar out.