I don't know if sequels are always better, but Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 does sound pretty bad ass.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 massive update

I've been putting this off for weeks, but with the most recent news I couldn't resist. So to start off "Konnichiwa" and "Arigato" for reading this article. This article, like my last, is to bring you more details as the period between release closes down, which is very soon, October 19th for us, which could be bad or good because West is getting before East; very supicious.
The first updates are the trailers for America and Europe. The first one here is for us, nice huh. Ours has the privilege of detailing more of the cinematics of the game- pre-boss, in between, and etc.- while also showing us a tidbit of the "exploration" function that's not as in depth as we've had previously with ROAN and BB, but it does allow you to go to "exotic" locations.
Now for the other side of the spectrum, the European one. Yeah i bet you weren't expecting that last part. For those who didn't watch that clip i won't reveal anything, but i did read that the reason he's in the there was because the Naruto Creator made him- unsure don't care, but if someone can enlighten me, thank you. But the clip does show us some of the boss battles( you'll see why i say some soon), and how massive that they are.
Now that you saw how massive that is, they came out with a recent updated "full" version; and when i saw it it made me almost pee my pants in how much anime awesomeness is in this clip. In my first article i said that there would be 30+ characters, now it's been up'd to 40+. Thanks to this clip we see a lot of battle so you can see how fast paced this game will really be. This clip also shows one of the most fan fought questions about this game since the first trailer. It confirms that the reason Sasuke has his Akatsuki clothes- The Killer Bee fight and the amazing Last of the Uchiha battle. And at the end of the clip they also hint on another question about this game. Since it is a cinematic, I cannot confirm nor deny anything, but in the next clip its revealed that the game should be in sync with the anime, so for me its a

The last update I have is massive as it was a e3 interview by gamespot. The news come from a Cyber Connect 2 Representive and interrogating viewer questions. So if you are willing to take away 15 minutes of your super busy game playing, you can check the video here. The important factors it reveals are the four modes that we will have- Adventure(story), Online battle, Offline battle(which i believe he said there were three), and they said "option mode for those who wanna be discreet" but I think that's online too.It reveals, like the previous battle video, the first boss fight- in more detail- of Naruto w/ Sakura's help against Kakashi-Sensei, that Pain will be making an appearance- but that's revealed at the end of the clip; sorta hinting that each Pain persona will be a seperate fighting character.
With all this evidence i hope you can see, just like me, how this game is shaping up to fit its name "Ultimate Ninja Storm 2"; because sequels are always better. Besides I can always get SW:TFU2 later.