Archived: Article Discussion: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
Posted Under: Articles
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 11:06 am | #17
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 11:08 am | #18
way to go fellow Irishman! a pint is needed for celebration!
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 1:46 pm | #19
congratulations Irish Patriot....great interview!
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 3:39 pm | #20
Congrats Irish!
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 4:06 pm | #21
Great interview!
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 10:53 pm | #23
Awesome interview man! A Link to the Past and Secret of Mana were BADASS!!!!
@Mini: You're just jealous that MY version of the thread has a Fantastically Epic Tour of Ages to End All Tours with it's link inside it. No really, I felt bad back when I found out you had already made one. I don't remember what page it was, but I know I linked yours and another in mine.
@Mini: You're just jealous that MY version of the thread has a Fantastically Epic Tour of Ages to End All Tours with it's link inside it. No really, I felt bad back when I found out you had already made one. I don't remember what page it was, but I know I linked yours and another in mine.
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/08/11 10:54 pm | #24
Congratulations Mr. Black, and thanks to Mr. White. These interviews are always fun to read.
And yes, Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia are awesome.
Everybody, don't forget to send Mini a PM with your vote for the next CS victim!
And yes, Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia are awesome.
Everybody, don't forget to send Mini a PM with your vote for the next CS victim!
Re: Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/09/11 3:18 am | #25
Quote by Meta:
And yes, Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia are awesome.
Everybody, don't forget to send Mini a PM with your vote for the next CS victim!
Those are some of top favorite games.
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/09/11 1:23 pm | #26
Congrats on the CS Irish P.
Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/09/11 6:17 pm | #27
Ooh, thanks to Revelation for the nice Image I added at the top of the CS!
Re: Re: February CS: Luck o' the Irish Patriot
02/09/11 7:47 pm | #29
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I can't see it. 

I can see it just fine....and thanks to Revelation (again) it is now resized to fit a little better...