I have a show for you this week that is done on time and under budget Insert BS political ad here). The usual stuff is in there (except the ESRB, I covered that last week) and I have a good weekly rant.
Also, check out some of the new items around XboxAmerica that have gone up recently, including the
NBA 2K9 Developer Interview and the
hands on review that Hochulis had with the
NYKO Charge Base 360.
I am looking for some assistance from the community to help me name the segment each week where I rant about something. Sometimes I stick with the video game world, other times I go outside it and harp on Fantasy Football or other things. So leave me some feedback after listening to the show and give me some suggestions as to what we can name the segment. As far as this weeks rant, I actually have one with some merit that has ramifications in the video game industry. Listen in as I voice some questions and opinions on the Exclusivity Issues we are seeing with Band Games such as Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band.
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