Interview | October 31, 2007 9:25 am
By zoboa
I recently posted an Open Letter to Microsoft and challenged them to come up with a first rate Arcade controller for the Xbox Live Arcade. Without warning and with timing that could only be planned (really, it wasnt), a Press Release from Arcade-In-A-Box made its way to my inbox that basically answered my challenge: Develop a top flight Xbox 360 Joystick for Xbox Live Arcade. I was fortunate to land an interview with Ed Farias, which is found below:
Could you please introduce yourself and tell us what you do?
My name is Ed Farias, and I'm the owner of Arcade-In-A-Box, LLC. Not only do I own the company, but I also do most of the day to day labor. From design, assembly and testing. I am very particular about the quality of my products, so I like to do most of the building and testing myself.
How long has Arcade-In-A-Box been around, and what was the driving force to get into this industry?
Arcade-In-A-Box has been around for about 9 years now. It started by me building a MAME system for my buddy that had a small apartment in LA. He didn't have the space for a full upright cabinet, so the Arcade-In-A-Box was born. At the time he worked for Activision and took his AIAB to work. Everyone loved it and thought I should pursue it as a business, so I did. At first it was a hobby, but now I have a 1,000 sqft shop I work out of full time.
There are a few other competitors out there with similar products, what sets Arcade-In-A-Box apart from them?
We build our systems from wood, instead of plastic. This makes them heavier, and more authentic to that arcade feel. We don't skimp on our parts either. If it's not Sanwa, then everything else comes directly from Happ controls. In my opinion, they are the best quality in arcade part manufacturing.
What led Arcade-In-A-Box along the path of creating an Xbox 360 (and Windows) compatible Arcade Style Joystick that is commercial grade?
It was personal. I was tired of trying to use the D-Pad on the 360 controller to play Street Fighter. I decided to make a stick and see how it performed, and it did great. This was about a year ago, since then I have been trying to cut the price to a point I thought was good for hardcore arcade fans. I figured if I enjoyed using it, then maybe a few others would as well.
Have you approached Microsoft regarding licensing of their proprietary wireless system? This seems to be the big hang-up for other third-party vendors that we have spoken with.
No, and I really don't plan too. I currently don't have any plans to go wireless until after the holidays, if at all. It takes out a big selling point, which is the immediate compatibility with Windows. When you try to sell something at a higher price point, its difficult when you are taking away a feature that the "cheaper" model has.
What type of feedback have you received since the Press Release announcing the controllers went out last week?
The feedback has been great. I've talked to a lot of excited fans on the phone, and even had a few guys local to me come into the shop to order 360 arcade sticks. The first 2 days of the press release really overwhelmed us. I was under the impression this was a pretty niche market, but I could not have been further from the truth. I'm glad to see so many hardcore arcade fans out there.
The product page offers customizations options, what exactly will a potential buyer be able to upgrade with the Xbox 360 Single and Dual Joysticks?
Right now you have the choice of several joystick and button types. We allow the customer to choose their button, joystick, and t-molding colors as well. If a customer opts for the customized artwork, we will work with them one on one to create something that is personal to them. We also offer different button layouts from the straight US style, Curved Japanese style, and even a Mortal Kombat 3 layout. We will also be adding a Neo-Geo layout soon as I understand their are some Neo-Geo titles coming to Live
Where will our readers be able to purchase the Xbox 360 Single and Dual Joysticks? is the best place to start. From there you can send us questions, give us a call, or place your order. We always try to respond to all emails and voice mails in a timely manner, so don't be afraid to ask us questions thinking we are too busy
to answer.
We would like to thank Ed for taking the time for our interview.
Could you please introduce yourself and tell us what you do?
My name is Ed Farias, and I'm the owner of Arcade-In-A-Box, LLC. Not only do I own the company, but I also do most of the day to day labor. From design, assembly and testing. I am very particular about the quality of my products, so I like to do most of the building and testing myself.
How long has Arcade-In-A-Box been around, and what was the driving force to get into this industry?
Arcade-In-A-Box has been around for about 9 years now. It started by me building a MAME system for my buddy that had a small apartment in LA. He didn't have the space for a full upright cabinet, so the Arcade-In-A-Box was born. At the time he worked for Activision and took his AIAB to work. Everyone loved it and thought I should pursue it as a business, so I did. At first it was a hobby, but now I have a 1,000 sqft shop I work out of full time.
There are a few other competitors out there with similar products, what sets Arcade-In-A-Box apart from them?
We build our systems from wood, instead of plastic. This makes them heavier, and more authentic to that arcade feel. We don't skimp on our parts either. If it's not Sanwa, then everything else comes directly from Happ controls. In my opinion, they are the best quality in arcade part manufacturing.
What led Arcade-In-A-Box along the path of creating an Xbox 360 (and Windows) compatible Arcade Style Joystick that is commercial grade?
It was personal. I was tired of trying to use the D-Pad on the 360 controller to play Street Fighter. I decided to make a stick and see how it performed, and it did great. This was about a year ago, since then I have been trying to cut the price to a point I thought was good for hardcore arcade fans. I figured if I enjoyed using it, then maybe a few others would as well.
Have you approached Microsoft regarding licensing of their proprietary wireless system? This seems to be the big hang-up for other third-party vendors that we have spoken with.
No, and I really don't plan too. I currently don't have any plans to go wireless until after the holidays, if at all. It takes out a big selling point, which is the immediate compatibility with Windows. When you try to sell something at a higher price point, its difficult when you are taking away a feature that the "cheaper" model has.
What type of feedback have you received since the Press Release announcing the controllers went out last week?
The feedback has been great. I've talked to a lot of excited fans on the phone, and even had a few guys local to me come into the shop to order 360 arcade sticks. The first 2 days of the press release really overwhelmed us. I was under the impression this was a pretty niche market, but I could not have been further from the truth. I'm glad to see so many hardcore arcade fans out there.
The product page offers customizations options, what exactly will a potential buyer be able to upgrade with the Xbox 360 Single and Dual Joysticks?
Right now you have the choice of several joystick and button types. We allow the customer to choose their button, joystick, and t-molding colors as well. If a customer opts for the customized artwork, we will work with them one on one to create something that is personal to them. We also offer different button layouts from the straight US style, Curved Japanese style, and even a Mortal Kombat 3 layout. We will also be adding a Neo-Geo layout soon as I understand their are some Neo-Geo titles coming to Live
Where will our readers be able to purchase the Xbox 360 Single and Dual Joysticks? is the best place to start. From there you can send us questions, give us a call, or place your order. We always try to respond to all emails and voice mails in a timely manner, so don't be afraid to ask us questions thinking we are too busy
to answer.
We would like to thank Ed for taking the time for our interview.
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