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Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?

Editorial | October 16, 2007 12:38 am
Now that we've had a couple of weeks to fully immerse ourselves in the online experience of Halo 3, it's time to start picking apart the issues that have been coming up.

Bungie has begun to address some of the more expected problems, such as certain maps coming up far too often or a particular game type (Shotty Snipers on Narrows, anyone?) that makes logging onto the game somewhat dreadful. These issues are being turned into positives, just as Bungie did last time around when we got sick of seeing such modes as 1 Flag CTF on Zanzibar.

However, the latest issues has been the loss of Experience Points for disconnecting or quitting. Bungie was pretty adamant before the game came out that they were out to punish those who left in the middle of a game. They absolutely wanted to get that point across. While they have done this, it hasn't been welcomed with open arms like they expected....and we'll look at it from both points of view, just to be fair.

The Good Side

In Halo 2, we all got sick of seeing a number of people dropout early into any online match when things started to go badly for them or their team. A quick 10-0 deficit in a Big Team Battle usually led to about three to four people ducking out quick before the situation got worse. In order to counteract this, Bungie laid the smack down by penalizing those who left early. The Experience Points system that was implemented for Halo 3 was designed just to settle issues such as this.

Someone decides to leave the match? Lose experience points.

Pull the plug on the 360? Lose experience points.

It's a much needed thing. It prevents many mid-tier ranked opponents from dropping out of a match, especially when you consider that it takes 115 Experience Points to go from Lt. Grade 2 to Captain. It really does make you think twice about getting out of a match that you feel just isn't worth your time. Plus, you have to take into consideration that you can have some negative feedback left for you by all of the people you played against. I have used this a few times already, and it seems to work. I've noticed a couple of people on my "Recent Opponents" list have a steadily declining reputation.

The Bad Side

If Microsoft had systems that were far more reliable than what they currently are, the bad side of this comparison wouldn't be so vocal. However, many gamers have complained about how their 360s decide to crap out on them in the middle of matches, or they have some type of connection hiccup that boots them from a match, costing them valuable experience points in their quest to move up in the rankings.

The system is advanced enough, by now, where you should be able to detect what happens during a match. I'm not talking about tracking, although that wouldn't be a bad thing, but some people have no reason to duck out of a match if they're winning by a good margin, only to have their internet connection go haywire and boot them from a match, essentially costing them two experience points: one point for a win, and one point for dropping out of the match.

Bungie hasn't officially announced anything regarding this situation, nor is there really anything expected from them. The system is in place for a reason, but I feel that there can be some tweaking done to it.

Perhaps, the fairest thing to do, is to only have someone lose experience points if someone reports them for quitting early, especially if it's just an internet hiccup. I fully agree that those who willfully quit on their own should be docked the point.

The bottom line is this: don't punish the rest of us for your lack of maintenance.
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Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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Nice editorial. I don't know what the answer is. I guess we'll probably just have to endure the penalties.
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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Yes, unfortunatley it seems like Bungie isn't going to be quick on doing anything about it. I think it's something we're going to have to put up with for a while, if not for good.
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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I think if you leave a ranked match maybe you would lose exp twords your next lvl not rank
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
Burnt Waffle
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Honestly, I don't see the big problem about this.

How long are we going to be playing this game

A few years, you say! *gasp* That single EXP is going to kill me! I can't get 1st on the leaderboards because of it ;_;

Get real. Nice editorial, though. If it were as easy as you make it out to be, I'd fully support it. But there are just too many variables to take into account.
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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Quote by FrothyOmen:

Honestly, I don't see the big problem about this.

How long are we going to be playing this game

A few years, you say! *gasp* That single EXP is going to kill me! I can't get 1st on the leaderboards because of it ;_;

Get real. Nice editorial, though. If it were as easy as you make it out to be, I'd fully support it. But there are just too many variables to take into account.

Well, I understand what you're saying, but not everyone has a reliable internet connection. Some people have to put up with a connection that isn't Road Runner or something high speed. Some people still use lower bandwidths and that can cause problems. Multiple drops can hurt you in the long run, far more than just a single point loss for a random glitch.

Personally, it's not a big deal to me. It is, however, a big deal to other people. This is why the editorial was written.
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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do u get penalized if ur connection gets lost or not.
because i was playing a while ago and the high wind will sometimes knock out the power or my internet and i get kicked off.
do u lose exp if ure internet craps out on u or only if u quit?
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:

do u get penalized if ur connection gets lost or not.
because i was playing a while ago and the high wind will sometimes knock out the power or my internet and i get kicked off.
do u lose exp if ure internet craps out on u or only if u quit?

You do get penalized if your connection is lost.
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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that sucks. not the players fault if their connection gets terminated.

o well im just glad it rarely happens.

same thing will happen sometims in WoW not the exp loss but still annoying
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
Burnt Waffle
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yea its a good/bad thing. Less drop outs but just the other day me internet restarted so I got -1 on my experience. its just 1 point yea but latly my internet has been doing that, I dont want to loss anymore of my hard earned experience points
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
how i look at is that i have a bad connection and i know that out of 5 games ill get dropped from 2 of them but i still play...that being said a gamer knows if they have a bad connection or a good one so you cant complain too much knowing that Bungie did what was asked of them and there is a small problem but the problem it fixed was alot more of a problem
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
Burnt Waffle
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so i ont have much of this prblem b/c my internet is a beast but know my friend wingman does so i ttly agree
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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For me it's not my connection, it's just my Xbox. It's too unreliable and crashes / freezes / freaks out too often.
Re: Editorial: Halo 3 EXP loss a universal solution....or problem?
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its sad that after so long the 360's still crash.
ud think after all this time they finnaly would get it right.
o well.

o and how is it my skill lvl is 30 but im only Sergeant, Grade 3

how does that happen?

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