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APF2K8 - MVP Gameplay, JV Options
Continuing on with my "Summer of Football" theme, we move away from Electronic Arts, as well as College Football, and move into the world of Pro Football.Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
It is 1953. In our timeline Korea should be raging, but it isnt.Westinghouse SK-32H240S LCD TV
The Westinghouse SK-32H240S was chosen to be reviewed because of the expectations of what it should be capable of from a gamers perspective. The price point, size and capabilities put it squarely in the midst of what gamers have come to expect for their rigs.Mass Effect Character Creation Screens
Check out the five screens that show off the Character Creation process for Mass Effect. The graphics of this game will be very good, and the depth and story shouldn't disappoint.NCAA 08 - BCS Worthy
What Classic Xbox Live Arcade titles are being held back?
It all began with a couple of missed weeks near the end of 2006. The feedback at MajorNelson and Gamerscoreblog was loud and clear....don't EVER cheat us out of a Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday release again the masses proclaimed.NASCAR 08 - Pedal to the Metal
Well I started watching NASCAR in 2002, and have played every NASCAR game made by EA except for 2007. Just because it happened to come out one month after I got my Xbox 360.August Community Spotlight: Non Gothic
Welcome to the latest installment of our monthly "Community Spotlight" series.Why you shouldn't expect Vick back any time soon.
With the release of Madden 08 yesterday, I felt this was an appropriate thing to write about in my down time.Classic Arcade releases: How do you review these fairly?
Next-gen console gaming is in full swing, and one of the biggest trends (if not THE biggest trend) has been the introduction of classic titles through the various online services.Bomberman - Always a good time.
Always a series that I've held dear to my heart since I was a kid trying to mow enough lawns to save up for an NES was the Bomberman Series. So, naturally, when I saw that this was available on XBL, I wanted to jump on it immediately.Back to the oldies: A review of Missile Command
Ah, the golden oldies.Arlington Boys Walk In On GameStop Robbery
I thought this was pretty messed up.- This report comes from a live feed of teh Microsoft E3 press briefing. It WILL conatin some inacuaracies, mispelling and nonsense.
July Community Spotlight: Diamondcut20
Here is the latest installment of our monthly "Community Spotlight" series.
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