Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Malice:
Quote by Mudkip:
I believe you can go into your User CP and turn off the ability to display signatures.
LOL I did but nothing changed. I didn't think it would. But then again that would be asking too much of this laptop. It doesn't have a working mouse or a working keyboard (unless you don't mind all the missing keys that just keep randomly popping off). LOL I should just buy a desktop with all the crap I have connected to this thing to get it to work. But thank you anyway for your suggestion!!
How many posts per page do you have it set to? I imagine the more posts you have it set to, the longer it will take to load.
Quote by Malice:
Quote by iKidd:
you're just jealous
Of course I am!! Haha... I'm jealous of everyone who doesn't have a POS Dell laptop from 2003.
What about upgrading? Here in a couple weeks there is going to be all those going back to school specials. I'm not sure if your state offers it, but there is the possibility of tax free incentives as well. Then again, I have no idea what kind of financial situation you are in as well.
buy an Dell Computer....get an xbox 360

Quote by iKidd:
buy an HP Computer....get an xbox 360

I thought it was Dell that was running that promotion?

Quote by iKidd:
Just keeping you on your toes.
Quote by kroberts11:

Quote by Malice:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
What about upgrading? Here in a couple weeks there is going to be all those going back to school specials. I'm not sure if your state offers it, but there is the possibility of tax free incentives as well. Then again, I have no idea what kind of financial situation you are in as well.
I would love to but we have a 5 month old son so he pretty much takes the extra money we have. Plus I dont ever want another Dell! lol We've had 2 and both of them lose their keys at the speed of light and become possessed!
They get expensive don't they? Diapers, wipes, clothes, and both my kids had to go on formula. $25 a can. Maybe here in a few months you can pick up a nice laptop for Black Friday.
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