Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Meta:
The shape-shifting reptilian Annunaki envoys in the Illuminati make all the big decisions in the world and their public pawns just move in front of the cameras. Donald Trump is as good a puppet as George Washington or Rutherford Hayes.
Well the Illuminati would have to be smoking heroin if they think that Trump would be a good puppet. At least Washington and Hayes were successful war time generals. Trump is nothing but a pompous wind bag with a comb-over that looks like a pomeranian's ass.
Quote by Daniel:

Quote by Daniel:
Instead of toiling over the coulda be's go enjoy the right now's.

Quote by Daniel:
Yes she is. She bitched you. That in itself makes her a bitch. You should just cut your loses and move on.
Quote by Daniel:
Hey bub sorry, I have a rule I live by....once we're broken up I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU EVER AGAIN.....they always try to talk to me after cuz Im such a sweet guy.....oh yea y u gotta cheat on me then chick......yea bub I think for the past 5 years I've had bad luck with women.
Now with my rule though there is an exception that would not go away no matter how much I tried because I broke up with her...
I've grown really "cold" in a way over the years and really defensive so my guard is up big time. That has ruined me now since I'm not super sweet as I used to be off the jump, I feel that its always my fault for shit. I just had a girl a few months ago seriously just fuck me over and made me feel really used dirty and cheap

Just give up trying to be friends bud its not worth the stress.
You might just end up like me, not sleeping at night because your doubts and thoughts are over powering your will to sleep.
I also don't tell women what they want to hear I'm blunt and honest about things which you kinda don't want to do....most don't like that....
Quote by Adrian:
Hey bub sorry, I have a rule I live by....once we're broken up I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU EVER AGAIN.....they always try to talk to me after cuz Im such a sweet guy.....oh yea y u gotta cheat on me then chick......yea bub I think for the past 5 years I've had bad luck with women.
Now with my rule though there is an exception that would not go away no matter how much I tried because I broke up with her...
I've grown really "cold" in a way over the years and really defensive so my guard is up big time. That has ruined me now since I'm not super sweet as I used to be off the jump, I feel that its always my fault for shit. I just had a girl a few months ago seriously just fuck me over and made me feel really used dirty and cheap

Just give up trying to be friends bud its not worth the stress.
You might just end up like me, not sleeping at night because your doubts and thoughts are over powering your will to sleep.
I also don't tell women what they want to hear I'm blunt and honest about things which you kinda don't want to do....most don't like that....
I wouldnt go as far as to break all connection with the girl. I mean if it was a mutual break up in should be fine (apparently those havent been the case for you have they) but if they cheated your kindness the entire time then to hell they can go.
I can probably relate with you in a way, ive been screwed over numerous times and then just flat out played by some "friends" to the point i dont really care anymore.
It shouldnt by any means make you a complete dick but when you and a girl start to get close you shouldnt believe shes like that others, just dont pamper her and see how far it goes, if anything you dont really lose anything but time that would otherwise have been wasted anyway.
Thats what i think anyway n.n;
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Daniel:
Shadowmachine- I disagree. Breaking up with him doesn't make her a bitch, and that's honestly all we know about it... relationships end all the time- especially when you're in high school. In fact, for most people, every relationship in their lives will end up with a break up, except for one (if they're lucky).

Oh, it's a high school relationship. In that case you need to start spreading rumors about her, something along the lines of she's a shitty lay. Kidding, don't do that. Let her go, for now. Start playing the field and take advantage of the opportunity of getting to know more girls and start learning the difference between each girl. It'll go a long way when you enter man hood and will help you find the answer to what women really want. You may start dating a new girl, which will make your ex jealous and help her realize what she let slip away. If she doesn't realize that, it doesn't matter because you will have already moved on to better things that make you happy.
In the rare case that she becomes an asshole and starts causing problems in your life, we'll get Melissa to fly over there and smack that bitch up.
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