Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Taco:
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Listen to the good Reverend. He speaks the truth.
i have heard from the mighty Lord himself, and he teaches me these things so that I may pass them unto others to further increase their knowledge of the word. This fine little Pokemon Creature is wise in his word, tho frightening when angered.

so the rose bowl game is Wisconsin vs who??
Gears of war 2, Multiplayer shotguns. I hate those guns, i can't use them and i get owned by them.
Same game: Wing man achievement. 3 wins all vs bots to. 100 plus loses vs players and 1 bot game. avg kill death per game.
1 kill to 15 deaths
bot game
7 kills to 3 deaths.
So wingman and shotguns grind my gears literally. My gears become meat for the grinders

Quote by Antwan:

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
you got up before your kids? and if i remember right, your kids arent that old...thats really a shocker if theyre younger then 10-12 and youre up before them on christmas.
see my mom and her bf woke up before me, but im almost 16, and didnt go to bed until 4am

Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by iKidd:
It's like they have a phobia towards selling shit that actually fucken works. Me, my wife, and my little brother have to drive 16 hours to Arkansas for my grandmothers funeral. I rented 6 movies via iTunes for all of us to watch on my computer during the times we are not riding. So I bought one of those DC power converter whatever the fuck there called to plug my laptop (or my iphone) into the cigarette lighter. I go to plug it into the car to get everything ready, and the bitch doesn't fucken work.
So many things I would love to do to Wal-Mart.....but none that I can post onto the internet.
fucken piece of shit
Are you sure your cigarette lighter works? Was your car on? Sometimes cigarette lighters only work when the car is on... I bought one of those from Walmart almost 3 years ago, and it still works great!
yes ma'am, i even though the same thing so i turned the car on, still didn't work
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
psh we got up at like 6:30 to start making breakfast

And, Taco's right. My kids aren't that old. They just like to sleep.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Ellahjay88:
psh we got up at like 6:30 to start making breakfast

And, Taco's right. My kids aren't that old. They just like to sleep.
young kids who like to sleep? what on earth xD
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