Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Liars dice grinds my gears. Although Caravan was much worse.
Liar's Dice was the shit! Best. Game. Ever.
Fag Ops checkpoints grind my gears. What fucking down's syndrome fucktard came up with the system? I get 3 checkpoints throughout a mission and when I die have to start at the very first one multiple times? Finally finished the campaign on veteran, probably took 10-12 hours and I don't know how many times I died because an "ally" walked in front of me causing my gun to stop firing. It also grinds my gears that "allies" run in circles half the time shooting without reloading for minutes on end. Unless I get all the zombie achievements I'm definitely not going through that garbage campaign again just for intel.

Quote by Circus:

Dude tell me about it....
I usually get sick once a year. Ive already been hit hard in October, and this month. Pisses me the fuck off too... since I drink stuff with vitamin C all day-everyday, AND wash my hands like 40 times a day.
I'm not paranoid or anything. I just like juice and clean feelin' hands.

Quote by Detroit War:
Quote by Circus:

Dude tell me about it....
I usually get sick once a year. Ive already been hit hard in October, and this month. Pisses me the fuck off too... since I drink stuff with vitamin C all day-everyday, AND wash my hands like 40 times a day.
I'm not paranoid or anything. I just like juice and clean feelin' hands.

Quote by Melissa Evol:
I just can't stand hypocrites, and being related to some is awful. The younger one is the one who told me to postpone my wedding when my mom and dad decided not to come on the day we had it scheduled for, and ripped into me when I wouldn't, and the older one is the guy with multiple shoplifting arrests, who still (at 23) lives with my parents, works at a job my dad got him when he got fired for stealing from Best Buy, and is making payments to my dad for paying off the settlement money that my dad paid to BB to keep him out of jail. This is the same guy who- 8 years ago- got caught shoplifting at Target, and didn't even bother to pay my dad back for that one. He's a huge liar, a thief, a heavy drinker and a drug user... But he has the nerve to say that I'm the one with the problems, because I have a history of being with really douche-y guys, and even though he's never MET Evol, he thinks he must be the same as the others. I don't know why that surprises me... He's over 400 lbs and had the nerve to tell my mom to go on a diet because he wants his kids to grow up knowing their grandma. My mom is slightly heavy, but she's in her 50s and had 3 kids- 2 of which were over 10 lbs. If I was her I'd have told him to lose weight so he could possibly give her grandkids... of course she didn't.
Anyway, /rant. But THAT is what's grinding my gears.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I just can't stand hypocrites, and being related to some is awful. The younger one is the one who told me to postpone my wedding when my mom and dad decided not to come on the day we had it scheduled for, and ripped into me when I wouldn't, and the older one is the guy with multiple shoplifting arrests, who still (at 23) lives with my parents, works at a job my dad got him when he got fired for stealing from Best Buy, and is making payments to my dad for paying off the settlement money that my dad paid to BB to keep him out of jail. This is the same guy who- 8 years ago- got caught shoplifting at Target, and didn't even bother to pay my dad back for that one. He's a huge liar, a thief, a heavy drinker and a drug user... But he has the nerve to say that I'm the one with the problems, because I have a history of being with really douche-y guys, and even though he's never MET Evol, he thinks he must be the same as the others. I don't know why that surprises me... He's over 400 lbs and had the nerve to tell my mom to go on a diet because he wants his kids to grow up knowing their grandma. My mom is slightly heavy, but she's in her 50s and had 3 kids- 2 of which were over 10 lbs. If I was her I'd have told him to lose weight so he could possibly give her grandkids... of course she didn't.
Anyway, /rant. But THAT is what's grinding my gears.
...can't wait for Evol to rip into'll happen eventually

Along the same lines as Melissa, Family Grinds My Gears...this might be as long as hers too, lol.
My grandparents have been really sick as some of you guys already know. My grandma has been in and out of the hospital, she has gotten real weak and has practically given up...So she is in the hospital again, she is out now, but at the time we werent expecting her to get out. SO, my mom was going to cook a little something something for thanksgiving to take up to my grandma to have a minor aunt is here taking care of my grandma and grandpa aunt, and her daughter who is up here was at home wednesday night....we usually do christmas decor on thanksgiving night, well wednesday night my brother was suppose to go help them with the tree and all....but during the day his truck broke down, and he had it towed to a friends house nearby to fix aunt and her daughter got pissed cuz he couldn't come help
you know what, i wont go through anymore of the story...but my aunt and her daughter are fucking bitches, getting my mom upset and shit....and my mom has made me PROMISE not to say anything to them because she knows i'll run there asses back to arkansas and out of north carolina when i get done ripping through there asses....i can't stand my family, if they dont live in north carolina....they don't mean shit to me...and once my grandparents pass away, im cutting them all off of my family tree and ripping into each one of there "holier then thou" asses.
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