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Archived: Xbox To Do Away With MS Points?

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Re: Xbox To Do Away With MS Points?
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Quote by AJ:

They should've never had ms points. Just prices for everything. If you can't get a credit card linked to your account, then just add money with codes LIKE ms points. They could make a code generator and generate a code in any dollar amount. I hate having a left over 20 ms points that I'll probably never be able to anything with.


And to any naysayers, yes they could keep selling "points cards" at stores so you could buy stuff with cash, it would just be like buying an "Xbox 360 marketplace gift card" instead of an arbitrary currency.

Re: Xbox To Do Away With MS Points?
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I don't see any reason why MS would stop using points, it's brilliant actually. It's right along the same line as the old arcades and their tokens. Anyone who has ever been in one has at some point walked out without using every token they had for some reason. This works in two ways for the arcade. Either you gave them free quarters, or you will have to come back later to spend those tokens. Nobody comes back with one token, plays a game and walks out. Another couple bucks end up in token form and it is win-win for the business.

For every one gamer here with that stray 80 points in their account, that isn't just buying up cheap avatar gear and gamer pics (which are kind of free money anyway) there are a million more out there that are in the same spot. I know I have 80 points right now that I can't use. That 80 points per gamer means millions of dollars in free money simply for having their own currency.

I just don't see how getting rid of it makes sense, business wise.
Re: Xbox To Do Away With MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
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I agree. i know it was stated before, but im more wary than before about purchasing anything online after the PSN issues. While sometimes annoying, i like knowing that itd a lot harder to steal microsoft points than my credit info.

Deleted User

Re: Re: Re: Xbox To Do Away With MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Quote by Circus:

Quote by AJ:

They should've never had ms points. Just prices for everything. If you can't get a credit card linked to your account, then just add money with codes LIKE ms points. They could make a code generator and generate a code in any dollar amount. I hate having a left over 20 ms points that I'll probably never be able to anything with. If I could just charge everything to my credit card, that would never happen.

Hell, that was the ONLY thing the PSNetwork got right, regular money for everything, none of this stupid converting bullshit in specific increments.

Then they got hacked for their credit cards. >.>
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