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Sticky: Xbox America Trade In Center
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Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 2:41 am | #451
Can You add
Just Cause 2
Fear 2
Conflict Denied ops
Dead Space
madden 10
fable 2 GOTY edition
Turning Point Fall of Liberty
Pirates of the Caribbean at world's end
Overlord 2
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 12:15 pm | #453
Quote by mattd411:
Can You add
Just Cause 2
Fear 2
Conflict Denied ops
Dead Space
madden 10
fable 2 GOTY edition
Turning Point Fall of Liberty
Pirates of the Caribbean at world's end
Overlord 2
Quote by Corrupt:
Can You Add
Project Gotham Racing 3
Guitar Hero 2
Madden 07 Hall Of Fame Edition
Madden 06
Madden 08 In Spanish
Xbox Live Arcade/Sega Superstars Tennis
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 8:46 pm | #454
I will be removing Corrupt from the Trade Thread, he deleted his account, or someone else did, after it was discovered that he had many Gamerscore hacks in his score.
EDIT: I currently have him still up with all red games. He will remain for a short time to see if he completes his trade with Durtie. However, due to the crap he has done lately on this thread and others, I highly recommend he always ships first if he comes back and you trade with him.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 9:04 pm | #456
Apparently Corrupt is now djkidfresh. At this moment he has to earn his black status back, as his actions so far leave me rather hesitant to trust him on this thread.
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 9:06 pm | #457
Quote by Durtie:
Thanks for the heads up
Can you remove Guitar Hero: World Tour, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PS3)
Can you add Red Dead Redemption to my list, thanks
Removed and Added.
See post above for info on Corrupt's new account here.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 9:10 pm | #458
Wow, sounds like fun stuff.
On a sorta off topic thing I just wanted to say thanks publicly to PureEvil for taking care of this thread. He's done WAAAAAY better than I did (not that that's saying much) but he is doing a fantastic job. :)
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 9:16 pm | #459
Quote by Minioger:
Wow, sounds like fun stuff.
On a sorta off topic thing I just wanted to say thanks publicly to PureEvil for taking care of this thread. He's done WAAAAAY better than I did (not that that's saying much) but he is doing a fantastic job.

I try.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/04/10 11:44 pm | #460
I am leaving for vacation for 4 days tomorrow morning. I will be able to check the site and post with my phone but will not be able to update this thread. I will do all updates Sunday night when I get home.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/06/10 10:40 pm | #462
Update...my list should read...
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Brutal Legend
Grand Theft Auto IV
Halo 3
NCAA Football 10
Red Faction Guerrilla
Rock Band
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
Tomb Raider Underworld
The Orange Box
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/08/10 2:22 pm | #463
I will be trading my Just cause 2 for bovice's Sniper
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/08/10 2:25 pm | #464
Oh I wanted to add Band Hero to my list. I won't trade it until I help Repo get some achievements, but once I do that its fair game :)
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
08/09/10 11:32 am | #465
Back from vacation, changes have all been updated.
Quote by Kent K25:
Update...my list should read...
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Brutal Legend
Grand Theft Auto IV
Halo 3
NCAA Football 10
Red Faction Guerrilla
Rock Band
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
Tomb Raider Underworld
The Orange Box
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
Quote by mattd411:
I will be trading my Just cause 2 for bovice's Sniper
Quote by Minioger:
Oh I wanted to add Band Hero to my list. I won't trade it until I help Repo get some achievements, but once I do that its fair game

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