Archived: XbA Chatroom
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
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XbA Chatroom
07/29/10 9:38 am | #1
me and SuicidalFate0 were exploring the site last night and we stumbled upon the chatroom (thing in the top right). it was really cool but it did have a minor delay. just letting you guys know how its working as i see no one ever use it. i really like the idea!

Re: XbA Chatroom
07/29/10 10:05 am | #2
yeah im pretty sure the chat room is rarely used BECAUSE its super slow. the only times i ever see it used is for staff meetings. It was used all the time way back when... but now. yeah
Re: XbA Chatroom
07/29/10 10:51 am | #3
Ha! Way back then.. We lived through the 8 second chat lag with 6 people in the room!
Just remember you can always clear the chat and reduce the lag.
Just remember you can always clear the chat and reduce the lag.
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