Archived: WWE 2k14 Thread
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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WWE 2k14 Thread
10/30/13 7:18 pm | #1
Just picked this up. If anybody wants to boost online message me. I'll give my impressions shortly. I've played them all since the 1st Smackdown on Playstation 1.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
10/30/13 7:27 pm | #2
I picked it up. The AI seems improved and wrestlemania mode is alright. I want an nwo vs attitude era game tho.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
10/30/13 11:19 pm | #3
Yeah a storyline where you can control the Monday Night Wars pick a side & add a lot of replayability. Throw in ECW as a wildcard & make decisions that could change things drastically- like being WCW and taking back Steve Austin right away after his ECW promo- stop him from becoming Stone Cold & something else. You'd need a lot of custom titantrons and music to rebrand people but it doesn't seem so hard.
With TNA being sold & probably won't exist in 1-2yrs, the Dudleys and Hardys and Angle etc can probably all be added. And obviously 1/2 the game was already done (if not more) while THQ was still in business, so I'm still looking forward to seeing what 2K can really do with it next-gen.
Back from gym will play tonight & post reactions.
With TNA being sold & probably won't exist in 1-2yrs, the Dudleys and Hardys and Angle etc can probably all be added. And obviously 1/2 the game was already done (if not more) while THQ was still in business, so I'm still looking forward to seeing what 2K can really do with it next-gen.
Back from gym will play tonight & post reactions.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
10/31/13 4:51 am | #4
Pretty happy with it so far. If anyone buys the "accelerator" pack for $1.99 like me, to unlock everything, it doesn't show up by default. You have to go into OPTIONS then UNLOCKABLES and hit X to unlock everything. Still planning to play through as best I can-- but I wanted the other 50% of the roster, and all the arenas unlocked from the getgo. A cheap ploy to get another $1.99 out of us? Yes. But that's like 1/2 a beer, & this is wrestling. Come on.

Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
10/31/13 7:48 am | #5
I'll probably pick this up on black friday along with Battlefield.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
10/31/13 12:45 pm | #6
Wrestlemania mode is fun.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
11/01/13 2:27 am | #7
The load times in general seem A LOT BETTER. They weren't terrible before, but I noticed transitions are smoother than in WWE12 & WWE13
The gameplay is slightly faster / more arcade-like. The control is slightly dumbed down, but in a good way. It's easy to pickup, & the control layout is easily accessible if you forget what button does what.
ONLINE CREATIONS CAN BE PREVIEWED! This is huge. You can see exactly what the DLC looks like, the stats, the moves, etc. Saves you time so you don't download poor creations.
The gameplay is slightly faster / more arcade-like. The control is slightly dumbed down, but in a good way. It's easy to pickup, & the control layout is easily accessible if you forget what button does what.
ONLINE CREATIONS CAN BE PREVIEWED! This is huge. You can see exactly what the DLC looks like, the stats, the moves, etc. Saves you time so you don't download poor creations.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
11/17/13 11:22 pm | #8
If anyone wants to do the 'win 10 ranked matches' achievement, message me & we'll swap, I hear it takes 15 minutes- but online ppl are brutal and cheap, so seems overly difficult without a buddy.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
11/17/13 11:42 pm | #9
i will be down to do it sometime this week.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
11/18/13 12:23 am | #10
Ok, message or shout me a time & I'll aim to be on (will adjust -3hrs for my PST zone)
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
11/18/13 1:03 am | #11
just won the 50 matches in a row for undertaker streak
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
02/19/14 3:48 pm | #12
Got this game today from gamefly looking for someone to boost the win 10 ranked matches achievement. Message me if you would like to help will return favor.
Re: Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
02/20/14 6:08 am | #13
Quote by Cangemi:
Got this game today from gamefly looking for someone to boost the win 10 ranked matches achievement. Message me if you would like to help will return favor.
I tried to do this with Snapple a few months ago, and you can't do a ranked match with your friends, it's completely random. If you find a way to get around that, I'm happy to help you out.
And now, some questionable wrestling .gifs

Re: Re: Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
02/20/14 5:10 pm | #14
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by Cangemi:
Got this game today from gamefly looking for someone to boost the win 10 ranked matches achievement. Message me if you would like to help will return favor.
I tried to do this with Snapple a few months ago, and you can't do a ranked match with your friends, it's completely random. If you find a way to get around that, I'm happy to help you out.
According to all you need to do is have one person create a ranked backstage brawl with divas while the other person searches for that match type. Both people can earn the achievement within 20 minutes this way.
Re: WWE 2k14 Thread
02/20/14 6:09 pm | #15
Maybe it's been patched since, but Snapple and I tried that, and it couldn't find our game (the one that made it)-- happy to try it out with you if you see me online
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