Archived: Wrestlemania
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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04/08/13 3:13 am | #1
any one watch that crap fest for 60.00 it def was one of the worst ones i have seen in ages
Re: Wrestlemania
04/08/13 4:01 am | #2
Well if you spent 60 bucks for a wrestling ppv then you deserve the crap you got.
Re: Re: Wrestlemania
04/08/13 4:15 am | #3
Quote by Junior:
Well if you spent 60 bucks for a wrestling ppv then you deserve the crap you got.

Re: Wrestlemania
04/08/13 12:50 pm | #4
I streamed it on my computer last night while
playing defiance, there were some ok matches like undertaker one and The HHH match
playing defiance, there were some ok matches like undertaker one and The HHH match
Re: Wrestlemania
04/09/13 4:22 am | #5
don't get me wrong Taker match was good as was HHH, but they need to go back to head shots with chairs no more PG crap
Re: Wrestlemania
04/09/13 4:29 am | #6
Plus i think they really need to build up more tag teams and start to actually have the mid belt wrestlers wrestle more often on Raw n Smackdown instead of the Wednesday show that nobody watches, and when they do wrestle on Raw or Smackdown make them defend the title no more non title crap
Re: Wrestlemania
04/09/13 9:11 am | #7
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
Jericho lost to Fandango...
Rock lost to Cena...
Ziggler is champion the next day...
Pretty much a nightmare.
Re: Re: Wrestlemania
04/09/13 6:39 pm | #8
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
Jericho lost to Fandango...
Rock lost to Cena...
Ziggler is champion the next day...
Pretty much a nightmare.
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
ziggler is awesome though
rock tore an adbomen muscle in the match so he's out for a while
Re: Wrestlemania
04/09/13 8:30 pm | #9
I thought it was alright.
Re: Wrestlemania
04/29/13 12:33 am | #10
CENA hurt i wonder what they will do for Extreme Rules
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