Anyone else have this problem?
Archived: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
Posted Under: Gaming
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WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/02/11 10:25 pm | #1
I took up this fort full of gatling guns and cannons. So I decided to share the fun of blowing people away with the cannons with about half of the lobby by inviting them to my posse. They all accepted (about 5) and then one of them head-shotted me when I was using the gatling gun from literally two feet away! I was making my way back to get my revenge when everyone was taking shots at me with everything they had. Then the only time I was actually able to get to the front gate, someone somohow barracaded the front gate with a wagon. Sneaky bastard.
Anyone else have this problem?
Anyone else have this problem?
Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/02/11 10:32 pm | #2
looks like you picked the wrong friends partner.
Re: Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/02/11 10:49 pm | #4
Quote by Nick:
looks like you picked the wrong friends pardner.

Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/02/11 11:22 pm | #5
That is the reason I don't invite the lobby to my posse. either that or the ones that don't join spend their time chasing my posse around the map
Re: Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/02/11 11:48 pm | #6
Quote by Hatchet Hero1:
That is the reason I don't invite the lobby to my posse. either that or the ones that don't join spend their time chasing my posse around the map
Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/03/11 1:06 am | #7
Re: Re: Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/03/11 1:10 am | #8
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Nick:
looks like you picked the wrong friends pardner.

Re: Re: WORST Red Dead Posse EVER!
10/03/11 10:02 pm | #9
Quote by Nick:
looks like you picked the wrong friends partner.
Seem so.
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