Re: why does my girl hate my 360
03/23/10 4:59 pm | #28
Reading most of the replies above..
And being a girl..
I say that either find balance between time with the xbox and her (as I don't exactly know how you treat her, and do you spend time with her, etc. It might be purely your fault)
If the case is that you spend all the time she wants with her, and only game when she has some kind of plans, or late at night (i.e when she isn't bored to death at home while you're playing), but she just hates your habit as a whole. cause she thinks its "uncool", then do you really want a girlfriend, who can't like you for who you are and wants you changed due to some "coolness" standards?
Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, even being a gamer chick myself, my bf is really into playing multiplayer with his friends on PC and he feels way too horrible, as if he let them down, when he has to say "No, I have plans", even if he himself is okay with not playing. Guess what lol, it took over a year to work out and get it in his head, that not saying yes to every gaming whim of his friends every day isn't a let down, and it's not like refusing them first aid. lol
So either have a talk with her about compromising (as I"m sure there are things she likes, that you might despite) and discuss situations, in which you can play your games, and she can go watch Twilight with her girlfriends (just as an example)
And if she is completely deaf to the voice of reason, ask yourself if that's something you want in your life partner lol.