Who is that Delicious Caramel Man?! April's Community Spotlight

Well folks, the Community Spotlight is back and here to stay (I'm looking at you Meta, since we all know Mini is WAYYY too busy completing anything he can get his giant oger-ish, but surprisingly soft, hands on). Expect to see a a fairly regular interview with the member of your choice each month by at least the 10th of the month!
Without further ado (if you couldn't tell by the picture in the banner), this month's winner by a large margin is...
AJ: Well congrats, Adrian, for being nominated by everyone here, who I thought hated you for some reason, weird... Why don't you start off by telling everyone a little about yourself.
Adrian: My name is Adrian, I'm 21 and have been gaming since I was 5. My very first game was Sonic and Tails 2, I'm most certain. I have been working at a shack that sells radios for about 3 years now.
AJ: Short, but it gets the job done. Moving on, I don't know if you've ever explained your gamertag or not, if you did I probably didn't care or pay attention, but since this is your month, why don't you go ahead and explain to everyone out there what the hell it means and/or how you came up with it.
Adrian: My gamer tag is latin. I was still in high school when I made it and I had to take Latin since I just ignored doing my Spanish homework, lol. Anyway, it means man (as in human beings) that didn't leave a will after death. Not my 1st choice as the other 2 I had picked were already taken and I didn't want to put xX or leet in my name, so I went with that instead of the latter.
AJ: Interesting, I think. Personally, I would've gone with xX Le3T XLe3T xX, but hey, that's just me. Well, you've been a member of the site for quite some time now, and honestly, you would've had the Spotlight a long time ago if it weren't for the fact that it went on hiatus for so long. Why don't you tell everyone how you came across this wonderful site.
Adrian: I found XBA through 360Voice or googling some xbox site I can't remember. Anyway, I was looking for a good site for help with achievements and people to game with. Plus I was trying to get away from the horror that was/is 1up.com.
AJ: I honestly just tried going to 1up.com and I waited for about 2 minutes for the site to load before I said, screw this and just grabbed the URL to stick in here. I don't think I'll ever try to go there again.
Now that we know how you found out about XBA, why don't you tell us what your favorite game is, your favorite game genre and what's a game you love that you wouldn't want people to know about? I promise I won't tell. *giggles*
Adrian: My favorite game, I can't decide. I'm stuck between Skyrim and Battlefield with Skyrim being in the lead by a little bit. I used to love RPG's hardcore, but now I've grown out of that and I'd probably say third-person shooter is my favourite genre right now. As for a game I love that I would want to keep a secret, Super Mario: Sunshine. Not really. But really, lol.
AJ: So for the record you said Hannah Montana: The Game, but I felt bad and changed it to the less shameful Super Mario: Sunshine. Anyway, here's a random question. If you could take Meta out on a date, where would you take him, would you pay, what would you want him to wear and lastly, what would you expect him to put out at the end of the night? Remember this is only between you and I, so, yea...

Adrian: Haha, I have no shame in my Hannah Montana adventure... OK just a little. But still, lol.
Hmmm good one, lol. I'd take him to your house where you would buy a whole bunch of pizzas and wings (I'll pay for the beer and pop), all while he wears an all black toga (white togas get dirty really easily while eating pizza), and at the end of the night I'd expect at least a fist bump....I'm not greedy, I know he respects himself as a strong single woman!
AJ: That answer is hilarious, although it probably would've been a little better if you were drunk (inside joke between Adrian and myself). I'm also not really sure if I could afford all that pizza!
But, moving on. Is there anything you'd like to say, or people you'd like to give a shout out to? I know you live fairly close to Minioger and Circus. I also recall a thread made by Circus explaining how you ditched him while he tried to take you on a date to the fair, or something along those lines.
Adrian: Trust me, if I was drunk Meta would have worn a dress instead. Also, coupons work great for cutting a few bucks, champ.
Uhhh, thanks guys for voting for me, finally I made it!! Shout out to JuniorMT, Mini, The Evols, my son Taco, Nick, Circus, everyone here on XBA, Jackson and The Wu-Tang Clan.
Yea, there are a few XBA members around this area. Mini and I went to college together (he's an old fart, lol) until I transferred out and Circus is close to 3 hrs away, I believe. Ahh yea, no, Chad was with some chick at the time and when he got here the buses were about to stop running. If he really wanted me to come he could have come by, I only live 10 minutes if that from the fair grounds. Shame on him. </3
AJ: Well, that's really all I can think of to ask you. We know a bit about you, what you do, what games you like to play, what you think of some of the members here and what your freakishly weird gamertag is all about.
If there's something you want to add or say, get it in now because this interview is just about over!
Adrian: Yea just a few words. Fuck Tyler Perry. Max Payne 3 is going to be awesome, Ghost Recon better be. Other than that.... #JetsGo, Thanks again guys!!
Most important have fun, don't take the internet seriously and enjoy life!!!
Game On!!!
AJ: Well folks, there you have it. Thank you, Adrian, for taking time out of your somewhat (