Archived: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
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Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 1:29 am | #47
Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 1:37 am | #48
i dONT hAVE 2 lISTEN 2 u iT A fREE cOUNTRy
Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 1:38 am | #49
Lmao, well said Bubbles
Re: Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 1:46 am | #50
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
That must be what they based this past Sunday night's Boondocks on!
"Oh my god! It's just urine and hot sauce!"
Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 2:07 am | #51
*Cue porn music.*
I've been reaaaaallyyyyy trrrrrying, baby.. Trying to hold back this feeling.. For sooooo long!
I've been reaaaaallyyyyy trrrrrying, baby.. Trying to hold back this feeling.. For sooooo long!
Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 2:28 am | #52
halo 3, hands down
Re: Which is better Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2
06/11/10 2:51 am | #53
Yes I Do