Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Meta:
We have some Red Boxes here with games, they are $2 a night which is almost exactly the same as BB ($9 for 5 days).
I had heard awhile back Wal-Mart was supposed to be getting game rental kiosks unofficially named "Black Boxes".
I remember you mentioning this a while before....I noticed in our redbox they started doing games also....it would be pretty neat if walmart did something.
But tbh, I know gamestop are crooks...but I'd hate to see my gamestop go out of business, I have one of the few gamestops that have cool people working there. I go in there so much they actually try to help me out.
I remember one day I was trading in two games and I dont remember how much it came to so let's just say $45.....when I was trying to get two more games with my store credit, both of them combined were $49.....but when I tried to do one at a time....one came up $18.....
actually this isn't working out, I was trading in two games to get two more games, when I got the two games I wanted to use my store credit on it added up to be over the store credit that i had....when I took one game off it said I still had enough store credit for my other game.....So the dude looked through the computer, found out what happened and fixed it for me so I wouldn't get jipped.
If I would have went to Cary....they would have bent me over the counter......assholes....lol
.....did anyone understand what I was trying to say?