Archived: whattup everyone?
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: whattup everyone?
04/14/10 8:49 am | #16
welcome. i iz chaind. want any info on music, see me. i tend to get it out there. mainly metal, but i can still get you albums due out from other genres. except electronica, cause it seems to have no list at all

Re: whattup everyone?
04/14/10 9:03 am | #17
Re: whattup everyone?
04/14/10 3:20 pm | #19
haha guys i've been on forums for a longgg time so no worries not gonna flame, bash, or troll. I'm alright on music belong to a website thats primarily about music/downloads. Just cause 2 was cool but i traded it in for splinter cell