Archived: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/11/11 3:47 pm | #18
best game ever made so far on xbox 360 IMO
Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/11/11 4:24 pm | #19
Yeah I agre with Hulk, Mass Effect 2 is the greatest game ever created on the 360. The first game is great too, but the second is just perfect. My second favorite game of all time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/11/11 10:08 pm | #21
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
He has good taste in wives.
Thank you!
Oh? So he's been married before?
Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/23/11 3:41 am | #22
Best game series ever, but i have a question.
My old xbox broke and then i put my guys on a new harddrive. for some reason i am no longer allowed to continue career in the first or import to the second. can that be fixed?
My old xbox broke and then i put my guys on a new harddrive. for some reason i am no longer allowed to continue career in the first or import to the second. can that be fixed?
Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/26/11 7:40 pm | #23
i have another question.
say you beat the main boss and still have side quests left, and then you beat them.
does it import the final boss stage when you beat the game?
does it import the last save?
and this goes for both mass effect games.
post 22nd question still un answered,
say you beat the main boss and still have side quests left, and then you beat them.
does it import the final boss stage when you beat the game?
does it import the last save?
and this goes for both mass effect games.
post 22nd question still un answered,
Re: Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/26/11 7:48 pm | #24
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
i have another question.
say you beat the main boss and still have side quests left, and then you beat them.
does it import the final boss stage when you beat the game?
does it import the last save?
and this goes for both mass effect games.
post 22nd question still un answered,
say you beat the main boss and still have side quests left, and then you beat them.
does it import the final boss stage when you beat the game?
does it import the last save?
and this goes for both mass effect games.
post 22nd question still un answered,
Not to sound like a dick, but either no one knows, or they're not saying.
Its really not okay to bump a thread three times over a few days just because you didn't get an answer.
As for your question from post 22, I never moved my save file for this game, but it sounds like you moved it using the wrong gamertag possibly. If you move a file it should retain its owner unless that owner's tag is not on the box/hard drive/etc when it is being moved. I lost a save file that way when I used to transfer games between my two 360s with a memory card.
I mean is it possible to do like a google search to get the answer you need?
Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/26/11 7:55 pm | #25
23 was a bump 24 was a completely new question i just thought of 15 minutes. And people here are smarter and faster than google searches. because i used google but it didn;t give me a straight answers. i will try again.
I just fixed my problem for 22 anyway.
And you are actually one of the most helpful people here mini.
I just fixed my problem for 22 anyway.
And you are actually one of the most helpful people here mini.
Re: Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/26/11 7:57 pm | #26
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
23 was a bump 24 was a completely new question i just thought of 15 minutes. And people here are smarter and faster than google searches. because i used google but it didn;t give me a straight answers. i will try again.
I just fixed my problem for 22 anyway.
And you are actually one of the most helpful people here mini.
I just fixed my problem for 22 anyway.
And you are actually one of the most helpful people here mini.
Okay fair enough. But I'm mainly trying to prevent people from flaming you for triple posting

Another option would be to delete post 23 when you posted 24, that way you bump it without having 3 posts in a row

Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion on Mass Effect?
04/26/11 8:31 pm | #27
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Katarn StarKiLR:
23 was a bump 24 was a completely new question i just thought of 15 minutes. And people here are smarter and faster than google searches. because i used google but it didn;t give me a straight answers. i will try again.
I just fixed my problem for 22 anyway.
And you are actually one of the most helpful people here mini.
I just fixed my problem for 22 anyway.
And you are actually one of the most helpful people here mini.
Okay fair enough. But I'm mainly trying to prevent people from flaming you for triple posting

Another option would be to delete post 23 when you posted 24, that way you bump it without having 3 posts in a row
