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Archived: What is your go to game when your board?
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What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 1:42 pm | #1
For a while it was Yaris, (just to get the last achievement "Leader of the Pack") &
Hexic HD, (wish I could get the last achievement on it "Grand Pearl Pooh-bah").
Now, its Hexic HD & Texas Hold'em
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 1:45 pm | #2
i have no trouble getting 3 black pearls, but its soooo hard to get all 6 off them. I know one person on here who can do it really easily.
But my go to game is Trials HD, i always go right to the hardest level and see if i can beat my best time
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 1:50 pm | #3
A while back i used to use forza 2, till I 1k'd it
Now its Aion
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 1:57 pm | #4
I guess MW2....i really been getting Halo craves lately.
But for now AC2 is fucking amazing, its all i play.
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 1:59 pm | #5
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 2:03 pm | #6
Idk it depends on my mood. Usually GH but recently it's been MW2 or fallout 3
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 2:45 pm | #7
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 3:04 pm | #8
spelled "bored" wrong.
anyways, probably try and beat mw 2 on veteran and left 4 dead 2.
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 3:21 pm | #10
Hexic is mine and really the only game that I have 100% on that I still go back to.
Also lately I have been playing a lot of Poker Smash trying in vain to get the last 2 achievements, but they are absurd.
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 3:23 pm | #11
Mega Man 9: Super hero mode.
Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 7:54 pm | #12
Quote by KNTLxXxJ0K3R:
spelled "bored" wrong.
anyways, probably try and beat mw 2 on veteran and left 4 dead 2.
Well, Thank You Captain Obvious! It was a pun... You do know what a pun is right?
It was to draw attention... thanks for the attention
game - board get it? Humor? lol haha? Please, "Your killing me Smalls"
Re: Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 7:57 pm | #13
Quote by Gonzo the Gr8:
Quote by KNTLxXxJ0K3R:
spelled "bored" wrong.
anyways, probably try and beat mw 2 on veteran and left 4 dead 2.
Well, Thank You Captain Obvious! It was a pun... You do know what a pun is right?
It was to draw attention... thanks for the attention
game - board get it? Humor? lol haha? Please, "Your killing me Smalls"

Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 8:19 pm | #15
LMAO!! "Your killing me Smalls"
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