Re: what game will be better Halo Reach? or pokemon soulsilver and or pokemon heart gold?
03/23/10 10:56 pm | #48
Both Soul silver and heart gold are more advanced then the other Pokemon's. A 10 year couldn't figure out what to do. This Pokemon is far better then any other Pokemon ever made. It's not as simple as you see it as. Unlike halo all you do is shoot and kill that's it. I'm not saying halo reach is going to be boring. It will be fun. I'm just trying to put out the fact that Pokemon isn't a little kids game anymore. Unlike halo its been the same after the next. halo2 same as halo 1 not much difference same weapons. halo3 somewhat more change. halo wars, made it for no apparent reason its like freaking starcraft or some shit like that, which is gay. Then come halo ODST, the only reason they made that game is so you get recon armor which is pointless. Just an armor. Now halo reach, new weapons and movement and skills much better. They finally actually made halo worth playing once more. Now Pokemon. Each Pokemon they made they changed every single one. New Pokemon, new regions, new items, new everything. Halo was made by white people. Pokemon was made by Asian people. That's why Pokemon got new each time, and that's also why halo didn't change much over time.