Archived: what game are you looking forward too?
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Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/03/08 8:22 am | #107
That's fine, cause (shameless promo!) always tells me the secret achievements!
up your butt and around the corner Jack! lol
up your butt and around the corner Jack! lol
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/17/08 5:46 pm | #109
Next up for me is Soul Calibur IV, after that Saint's Row 2, Merceranies 2 and Silent Hill: Homecoming
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/17/08 5:48 pm | #110
i might look forward to cod5, but atm no games coming out soon spark my interest :\
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/17/08 5:53 pm | #111
Saints Row 2 is def on my "watch list".
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/17/08 6:06 pm | #112
Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 are really the only ones i have my heart set on getting
Actually I have already pre-ordered the special editions for both of those games so I am good to go whenever they come out
Actually I have already pre-ordered the special editions for both of those games so I am good to go whenever they come out

Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/21/08 1:45 am | #114
for me, the next game is Civilization Revolution, has anyone tried the demo?
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/21/08 2:28 am | #116
yeah it was a cool game...i dont know if the pricetag will do it justice...might be $60 and I dont like it $60 worth
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/21/08 2:38 am | #118
it makes me forking egg-static to see the things about fable two though
when it does though...raine..will you do the honors of killing my wife? and i'll kill your husband
than we can run off in the woods and kill the little faires that float around
wwwoooowwww that was suppose to be funny but just sounded very very demented
when it does though...raine..will you do the honors of killing my wife? and i'll kill your husband
than we can run off in the woods and kill the little faires that float around
wwwoooowwww that was suppose to be funny but just sounded very very demented
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/21/08 12:16 pm | #119
kidd...that's a bit harsh..
there are no fairies in the woods...i know, ive looked..
tho i coulda scared em off
there are no fairies in the woods...i know, ive looked..
tho i coulda scared em off
Re: what game are you looking forward too?
06/21/08 12:54 pm | #120
i hated that little fairy thing in the first game....kept getting on my forking nerves