Closed: Waffle Order 3.0
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Quote by STD:
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
omg rly?
is it a waffle?
No it is the complete opposite. I think its the hardest RPG I have ever played. But its another one to the collection.
omg can I get some roast beef very thinly sliced and some cheese please (Iforgot to shout u that lol)
I remember playing this gamre and being unimpressed by it
Quote by Durtie:
0309 2880 0001 3362 7280
I sent Fallout 3 PC (Gasp!) to STD also.
0309 2880 0001 3362 7334
I'm sure I probably got it Friday, but as I didn't make it to the Post Office all weekend, I just received Shellshock 2. You can look up the delivered date if you wish for a more accurate date, I am still on my cell so I don't wanna try, lol.
I will send out a few messages to people who have multiple games currently that fall in the 4 week timeframe. I will potentially give a little extra time on a few games, but there will be no extensions what so ever on the 2 week games. Those have to get done and get out
If you don't get a message then you don't have more than 1 of the 4 week games
Stop......waffle time.
I already started messaging about Sing it, now I will start again with Madden 09
Mike93: Mass Effect DLC. 0309 2880 0003 1298 4180
Bovice: NBA Street Homecourt. 0309 2880 0003 1298 4173
I have 950/1000 in Sing it, and as soon as I get a second USB Mic I will get that one out as well (should be later this week or worst case the beginning of next week).
I would like to remind everyone that confirmation numbers need to be posted in this thread and I do appreciate them being PMed to me. It will make enforcing the new rules easier (though hopefully I won't have to do so).
Also I will edit in confirmation numbers when I ship everything out in a week or so
Kent:Lost, NHL 2K6,Hannah Montanan, TMNT, King Kong
sean: Disney Sing it, and HSM 3:SY and Cabelas
AJ: Pimp my Ride and Golden Compass
Mini: The Bigs
Orange20: COD2
Braz:Halo 3
Confirmation number:
0309 1830 0002 3355 3319
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