Archived: Vandal Hearts
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: Vandal Hearts
01/18/10 11:16 pm | #4
I can't wait for this game!
It is going to be the most epic game ever.
PS:Can I use that awesome sig please Four Channel? I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE K-On!

PS:Can I use that awesome sig please Four Channel? I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE K-On!
Re: Vandal Hearts
01/18/10 11:33 pm | #5
wasn't VH some kind of weird... FF disney thing...?
Re: Re: Vandal Hearts
01/18/10 11:42 pm | #8
Quote by Melissa Evol:
That was Kingdom Hearts, Noah. Vandal Hearts is... a strategy rpg I think? It looks like Disgaea.
I love Disgaea so I'll be getting it!
I love Disgaea so I'll be getting it!
oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! i LOVED vandal heats!
i beat that shit on he PS!
i don't know why i mistook that lol.
yes, VH is stategy. KH... i have no idea. just the disney shit!
Re: Re: Vandal Hearts
01/18/10 11:44 pm | #9
Quote by STD:
If anyone needs extra points for Vandal Hearts I heard AJ trades them for 48hour live cards. LMAO!
Oh and AJ no 5th grader sucks. 14 of 30 achievements are online and no one was online for the entire time I played the game. WTF! and 6000 questions right.... I played for 3 hours and did really good but I only had 250-300 questions right. 6000??? Really
Oh and AJ no 5th grader sucks. 14 of 30 achievements are online and no one was online for the entire time I played the game. WTF! and 6000 questions right.... I played for 3 hours and did really good but I only had 250-300 questions right. 6000??? Really

Hmmm... now I know why that kid pm'ed me!!! Bastard!

Oh, and yea, after I asked you about it, I looked up the cheeves, I won't be picking that up!
Re: Re: Re: Vandal Hearts
01/18/10 11:51 pm | #11
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by STD:
If anyone needs extra points for Vandal Hearts I heard AJ trades them for 48hour live cards. LMAO!
LOL does anyone have a 48 hour code I can trade to AJ for points???
God damnit... How 'bout I just give them to you since people think I'm so full of charity already!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vandal Hearts
01/18/10 11:55 pm | #13
Quote by STD:
Quote by AJ:
God damnit... How 'bout I just give them to you since people think I'm so full of charity already!

Well how many did you get from the Frito promotion. 8,000 or so

5000 or so, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! LOL. I wish I could gift some points away, but they're all already redeemed!
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