Archived: upgrade to gold get free stuff
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upgrade to gold get free stuff
03/18/10 11:54 pm | #1
for anyone that has a live silver account and loves to play MW2 you might want to update to gold in order to get a free avatar item just click for more info (only good for silver members)
Re: upgrade to gold get free stuff
03/19/10 1:00 am | #3
yea they should reward people for every year of bein a gold member with like one free downloadable somethin. ive had my 360 since the end of 06
Re: upgrade to gold get free stuff
03/19/10 1:12 am | #4
Or you could also renew your membership for the item too, but I have no need to. I wasted my free month from that free promo on my old account to see if that would work, but I ended up getting screwed.
Re: Re: upgrade to gold get free stuff
03/19/10 1:51 am | #5
Quote by Xtreme Nights:
Or you could also renew your membership for the item too.
Re: upgrade to gold get free stuff
03/23/10 1:05 pm | #6
the riot shield and a few other things are now available on avatar marketplace
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