"A special Toy Soldiers accessory for your Avatar! Cloak that bad haircut with some Toy Soldiers love."
Toy Soldiers Hat 40MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers shirt for your Avatar! Show off your appreciation for Toy Soldiers with this comfy tee."
Toy Soldiers Tee 80MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers hat for your Avatar! Stylish and flattering, this hat ensures you'll cut a dashing figure atop your theoretical steed."
German Cavalry Hat 80MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers hat for your Avatar! Aeroplanes and tanks are only accessories to the soldier and the horse. Wear this cavalry hat with pride."
British Cavalry Hat 80MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers accessory for your Avatar! Protect your head on the battlefield. Afterward, flip the helmet over to use it as a bowl for some tasty stew."
British Soldier Helmet 80MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers outfit for your Avatar! Aeroplanes and tanks are only accessories to the soldier and the horse. Wear this cavalry outfit with pride."
British Cavalry Outfit 240MS (M&F)
German Cavalry Outfit 240MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers prop for your Avatar! It can't assault a city, but it sure can scare the cat."
Toy Tsar Tank 240MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers prop for your Avatar! The speedy little biplane has a bag full of tricks. The greatest trick, perhaps, is that it can fly at all."
Toy Biplane 240MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers prop for your Avatar! Biplane not good enough for you? Flaunt your sense of excess with the triplane."
Toy Triplane 240MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers prop for your Avatar! What the dirigible lacks in speed, it makes up for in… floatiness."
Toy Dirigible 80MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers outfit for your Avatar! When it comes to safety from poisonous gasses, fashion and comfort are the unfortunate victims."
German Elite Outfit 320MS (M&F)
"A special Toy Soldiers outfit for your Avatar! With style that's sharper than King George's mustache, this little number will have your enemies pleading for mercy. Or howling with laughter, as the case may be."
British Elite Outfit 320MS (M&F)
Alright and now to the St. Patrick's Day stuff which I personally want to buy everything in this shop!

Mug Glasses 80MS (M&F)
Green Tuxedo T-Shirt 80MS (M&F)
Mug Hat 160MS (M&F)
Leprechaun Hat 160MS (M&F)
Green Bowler Hat 160MS (M&F)
Now this next one says Pot of Gold and Rainbow but there is no Rainbow just the Pot of Gold.

Pot of Gold and Rainbow 160MS (M&F)
Cloverleaf Prop 160MS (M&F)
Green Tux 240MS (M)
Leprechaun Outfit 240MS (M&F)
And now for what I think is possibly the greatest prop on the avatar marketplace
Leprechaun Prop 240MS (M&F)