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Archived: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
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Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 7:03 am | #46
1. raven squad
2. soldier of fortune payback
3. secret service
4. rumble roses
5. conflict denied ops
the only game out of these five i have beat was raven squad and that was by accident. i just cant get into the rest of those games i have tried and failed miserably.
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 12:44 pm | #47
Too Human - it just sucks
Fall of Liberty - Great concept, bad delivery. Should have been released with the original xbox.
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 12:55 pm | #48
1. Sonic Unleashed (Daytime gameplay wasn't bad, controls & werewolf levels killed the game)
2. Kung Fu Panda (Can only stand Jack Black so long before I want to cut off my ears)
3. Turok (The original N64 version was much much better)
4. Perfect Dark Zero (Never can live up to the original)
5. Darkvoid (Stupid flying controls killed it for me)
Re: Re: Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 12:56 pm | #49
Quote by XxINYOUREYE11xX:
Quote by Bongo:
1. Modern Warfare 2
2. Need for Speed Carbon
3. Blood Bowl
5. X-Men: The Official Game
Why Blood Bowl, its currently on my wish list on gamefly, so why is that one so bad, controls broke or retarded story???
the control layout for blood drive is horrible even if you go in and use the custom layouts you still have like accelerate being rt, and shoot button being the "A" button and brake/reverse being the "X" button...is pretty much a 360 version of twisted metal with some zombies to run over why you are trying to shoot/avoid getting blown up by the other racers....i personally picked it up because i thought it looked unique but got bored with it very early and only played it about 30 mins and havent touched it since
now for my top 5 douche list games
halo o.d.s.t.
sonic adventures
mr driller online
dead rising series
golden axe:beast rider or deadliest catch both pretty close
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 1:06 pm | #50
1. Rogue Warrior
2. Darkest of Days
3. Brothers in Arm
4. Hour of Victory
5. Shellshock 2
Re: Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 1:13 pm | #51
Quote by XxINYOUREYE11xX:
I have played UT3 and I forgot what the d pad does. You have me curious now, what does it do?
you just fall down and fake death xD its always fun to jump off a really high building and do that...and you just ragdoll through te air xD
misterman, im curious...what do you mean by a "douche list" like if a games on there what does it mean?
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 1:15 pm | #52
I want to make this clear, I do not hate medieval fantasy/RPG games, this is just a coinsidence lol
1) Lord of the rings: Battle for Middle Earth II (its awesome on PC though)
2) Lord of the Rings: Conquest (only played the demo and was extremely dissapointed)
3) Eragon
4) I dont want to sound like a troll, a lot of people like this game but Dragon Age Origins was not a good game to me. Considering I loved games like KOTOR, this one did nothing grab me. Sluggish pacing, stiff controls, dated graphics, redundant storyline and after playing Mass Effect 2, going back to a silent protaganist seems like a step backwards. I wanted to love this but it did everything wrong, I hope Dragon Age 2 redeems itself.
I cant think of any others
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 1:37 pm | #53
Infinite Undiscovery - Playing through 3 times just sux.
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 3:05 pm | #54
Looney Toons was an easy 1k except for the "Bugs Bug" viral achievement. I got it randomly while playing online. I sent the game back to GF and still got messages for months about helping others get the achievement.
My horrid game list is:
1) Leisure Suit Larry
2) Assault on Dark Athena
3) Dead or Alive 4
4) Rumble Roses XX
5) Monster Madness
I couldn't even hang with these games long enough to get reasonable gamer score from them.
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 4:24 pm | #55
Quote by Bullets Chase:
I want to make this clear, I do not hate medieval fantasy/RPG games, this is just a coinsidence lol
1) Lord of the rings: Battle for Middle Earth II (its awesome on PC though)
2) Lord of the Rings: Conquest (only played the demo and was extremely dissapointed)
3) Eragon
4) I dont want to sound like a troll, a lot of people like this game but Dragon Age Origins was not a good game to me. Considering I loved games like KOTOR, this one did nothing grab me. Sluggish pacing, stiff controls, dated graphics, redundant storyline and after playing Mass Effect 2, going back to a silent protaganist seems like a step backwards. I wanted to love this but it did everything wrong, I hope Dragon Age 2 redeems itself.
I cant think of any others
OH YEA! DRAGON AGE WAS THE WORST RPG I'VE EVER ENCOUNTERED! Thanks for reminding me! That'll be my 4th game and for the 5th game for my list I've chosen Chromehounds...
So my 5 are:
Dragon Age
Bomberman Act Zero
Lost Planet 1
Re: Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 4:27 pm | #56
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Bullets Chase:
I want to make this clear, I do not hate medieval fantasy/RPG games, this is just a coinsidence lol
1) Lord of the rings: Battle for Middle Earth II (its awesome on PC though)
2) Lord of the Rings: Conquest (only played the demo and was extremely dissapointed)
3) Eragon
4) I dont want to sound like a troll, a lot of people like this game but Dragon Age Origins was not a good game to me. Considering I loved games like KOTOR, this one did nothing grab me. Sluggish pacing, stiff controls, dated graphics, redundant storyline and after playing Mass Effect 2, going back to a silent protaganist seems like a step backwards. I wanted to love this but it did everything wrong, I hope Dragon Age 2 redeems itself.
I cant think of any others
OH YEA! DRAGON AGE WAS THE WORST RPG I'VE EVER ENCOUNTERED! Thanks for reminding me! That'll be my 4th game and for the 5th game for my list I've chosen Chromehounds...
So my 5 are:
Dragon Age
Bomberman Act Zero
Lost Planet 1
dude i got 2 achievements in LP1 (i played the first 2 missions of the campaign to get used to the controls before one of the XBA nights) and then i decided that i hated the game and now im stuck forever w/ those damned 20GS on it D: its the most annoying thing ive ever had to deal w/...
Re: Re: Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 4:28 pm | #57
Quote by Taco:
Quote by AJ:
OH YEA! DRAGON AGE WAS THE WORST RPG I'VE EVER ENCOUNTERED! Thanks for reminding me! That'll be my 4th game and for the 5th game for my list I've chosen Chromehounds...
So my 5 are:
Dragon Age
Bomberman Act Zero
Lost Planet 1
dude i got 2 achievements in LP1 (i played the first 2 missions of the campaign to get used to the controls before one of the XBA nights) and then i decided that i hated the game and now im stuck forever w/ those damned 20GS on it D: its the most annoying thing ive ever had to deal w/...
I only got 1
. I couldn't even manage an achievement in Chromehounds or Perfect Dark Zero... I have 1 in Bomberman for 5gs out of 1,000!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 4:30 pm | #58
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Taco:
dude i got 2 achievements in LP1 (i played the first 2 missions of the campaign to get used to the controls before one of the XBA nights) and then i decided that i hated the game and now im stuck forever w/ those damned 20GS on it D: its the most annoying thing ive ever had to deal w/...
I only got 1

. I couldn't even manage an achievement in Chromehounds or Perfect Dark Zero... I have 1 in Bomberman for 5gs out of 1,000!
i hate when stuff like that happens...cause my profile used to be on a modded console so like all my older games are ones i never played really long so i dont even have 50GS in them....my completion is shot because of them...and i dont want to play them because theyre so stupid n what not...
Re: Top Five Worst 360 Games Played
11/29/10 4:38 pm | #60
1. Mirrors Edge!!!
2. Chromehounds
3. pocketbike Racer
4. Sneak King
5. Halo 3
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