a couple of years ago, i got my Halo edition x box for christmas, yeah for me, and then it happened...
i fell in love. (and actually im out of the closet now)
i first fell in love for different reasons... exclusive titles, HD + X box = breath taking images, and for many more...
now, as time has progressed, i continue to love my x box, but for different reasons...
let me tell you
top 5 reasons why i love my x box
1. the sound of an achievement popping (sometimes i work so damn hard )
2. the games my son and i play together ( he even helps when working for achievements)
3. the first achievements my son got in feeding frenzy 2, (big fan of hand, eye coordination) and itmade him so happy, cause he new he did it
4. the achievement hunting
5. lets not forget the sound of a torque bow fully charged. (im a big Gears of War fan)
anybody else love their x box?