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Archived: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
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Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 3:19 pm | #31
Boosting is not easy (well you know what I mean).
You have to deal with many factors, like:
1- It's boring.
2- Not easy to get a group together.
3- Your progress might be screwed by a bad connection...
4- or a power outage...
5- or the occasional one or two assholes that just want to ruin it.
6- You may fall asleep.
7- You are sacrificing real gametime for this.
8- Again, it's boring.
At the end we all get the same achievement with the same gamerscore, which we'll forget in a few days.
Fuck boosting and fuck the people that make us do it.
By the way, I got my wings today at 2:30 am.
At least now I don't have to look at that heartbreaking progress bar every time I finish a horde level.
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 3:57 pm | #32
Yay just got my level 100! Thanks to everyone who helped me boost.
Re: Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 4:49 pm | #33
Quote by Aidan :
Yeah I miss the Vegas days

I sure hope they come out with a third one.
One of the guys at Gamestop that I know said they are planning on coming out with one right after the new ghost recon future soldier comes out....It's suppose to take place in Hollywood...I haven't done any research on it but now that you reminded me I will, I'll send you a link if i find anything
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 5:10 pm | #34
I'm a level 58 with no boosting and no experience events ever. I've been a 58 since November 2009

. I might raise that level to 100 with this 20x though!
Re: Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 5:15 pm | #35
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I'm a level 58 with no boosting and no experience events ever. I've been a 58 since November 2009

. I might raise that level to 100 with this 20x though!
Level 58 to 100 requires 5,777,493 experience!
This is roughly the same as going from level 1 to 95
This is taken from here:
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 5:36 pm | #36
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 5:42 pm | #37
I didn't say I'd get it with the 20x.. I'll just try. I'll probably wait until 100x...
Re: Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 5:49 pm | #38
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I didn't say I'd get it with the 20x.. I'll just try. I'll probably wait until 100x...
But you CAN do it. You just have to endure a few hours of boosting. But it's doable in 1 or 2 days.
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 6:01 pm | #39
I don't boost

Re: Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 8:39 pm | #40
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I'll probably wait until 100x...
Good luck with that. They say they will never let it go above 20x. Originally it was supposed to be GearsVikings # of followers on Twitter divided by 500. As it was starting to reach 10k, which is the 20x we got, they announced they were going to cap it.
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/23/10 9:36 pm | #41
I started at 76 (2.7 mil) and got to 100 (6.8 mil) in about 6 hours. 4.1 million points in one day. That sort of progress is unheard of. I feel sorry for the guys who did it legitimately. 100 used to mean something. Not anymore. I was going to skip Vet Gear until Epic started doing this XP x6 the x8 now it's x20. I am glad that I have it, but it'd just not the same.
Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/24/10 3:13 am | #42
Went from 95 to 99 tonight playing mostly Guardian.. and a game or two of Execution. Tomorrow is the end of the long run.. over 560 hours of my life.
Re: Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/24/10 3:26 am | #44
Quote by girl poison:
Went from 95 to 99 tonight playing mostly Guardian.. and a game or two of Execution. Tomorrow is the end of the long run.. over 560 hours of my life.
THIS...is EXACTLY what im talking about....lol...Good for you poison, I was just saying that I didn't get sucked into the multiplayer to put that many hours into it ya know?
Re: Re: The Official Gears Lvl 100 Thread
07/24/10 4:08 am | #45
Quote by girl poison:
Went from 95 to 99 tonight playing mostly Guardian.. and a game or two of Execution. Tomorrow is the end of the long run.. over 560 hours of my life.
560 hours is a lot. If those were working hours, say 8 per day, that the equivalent of 70 days. If that was a regular work week @ 5 days a week, that's 14 work weeks. 3.5 months. That's a lot of work. Congratulations.
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