Closed: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
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Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/07/10 11:00 pm | #46
I just woke up out of a dead sleep because I forgot to answer. I'll be really bummed if i'm wrong

Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/07/10 11:21 pm | #48
Challenge #6

Answers MUST be PM'ed to me
Scores have been updated. Our lead remains at 3.
This is still anybodies game to win guys/gals. I have a big variety of movies to do. I have 77 total wrote down as ideas, even though it shouldn't get that far. I apologize in advance, cause I doubt anyone gets this one.

Answers MUST be PM'ed to me
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Challenge #5 was Honey starring Jessica Alba.
Scores have been updated. Our lead remains at 3.
This is still anybodies game to win guys/gals. I have a big variety of movies to do. I have 77 total wrote down as ideas, even though it shouldn't get that far. I apologize in advance, cause I doubt anyone gets this one.
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/07/10 11:37 pm | #49
Wow, never heard of Honey. I was gonna guess I'm Rich and You're Poor But Let's Dance Together. 

Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 12:15 am | #50
Bring it Evil. Apparently we watch the same exact movies.... 
Here's to me holding on to my lead for one more week. I'll crash and burn soon enough!

Here's to me holding on to my lead for one more week. I'll crash and burn soon enough!

Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 1:15 am | #51
Quote by Minioger:
Bring it Evil. Apparently we watch the same exact movies.... 

But somehow Honey does not seem to fit into the mix. Was this chosen at random? I'm curious to know.

Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 1:23 am | #52
Quote by Revelation1318:
Quote by Minioger:
Bring it Evil. Apparently we watch the same exact movies.... 

But somehow Honey does not seem to fit into the mix. Was this chosen at random? I'm curious to know.

Quote by PureEvil x21:
, my wife helped me choose some of my movie ideas,
Ten bucks says that Evil blames his wife for that one.

Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 7:11 am | #53
You would win that bet Irish. She even made sure I left Jessica Alba out, she said it would give it away.
Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 4:32 pm | #54
Quote by PureEvil x21:
You would win that bet Irish. She even made sure I left Jessica Alba out, she said it would give it away.
Come on! You know you're a closet Honey fan. Admit it!

Re: Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 4:39 pm | #55
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
You would win that bet Irish. She even made sure I left Jessica Alba out, she said it would give it away.
Come on! You know you're a closet Honey fan. Admit it!

#6 was her idea as well.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 4:42 pm | #56
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by IRiSH:
Come on! You know you're a closet Honey fan. Admit it!

#6 was her idea as well.
I ventured a guess but really have no clue on that one.

Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 11:14 pm | #57
Challenge #7

Answers MUST be PM'ed to me.
Scores have been updated. The tie has fallen to 2.

Answers MUST be PM'ed to me.
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
Challenge #6 was Entrapment starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones. My wife really wanted this one in the challenge as it was the movie we seen for our first date. 11 years ago.
Scores have been updated. The tie has fallen to 2.
Re: The Movie Screenshot Challenge V4
06/08/10 11:44 pm | #59