Archived: the fighter on dvd
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the fighter on dvd
03/12/11 2:27 pm | #1
The fighter comes out on dvd this tuesday everyone should go get it. Its one of the best movies ever and it was shot in my city. Plus if you have already seen it what's your thoughts on it?
Re: the fighter on dvd
03/12/11 2:54 pm | #2
It was a good movie, but I wouldn't say it was "one of the best movies ever". Mark Whalberg can't act, he just says everything in a higher pitched voice when he's angry/upset/sad/happy. Christian Bale however, was amazing and was the highlight of the film for me.
The story, while good, has been done before. The fighting scenes were great though. All in all I enjoyed it, but it's no Rocky!
The story, while good, has been done before. The fighting scenes were great though. All in all I enjoyed it, but it's no Rocky!
Re: the fighter on dvd
03/12/11 3:36 pm | #3
i really liked this movie! It was cool to see the brothers grow as characters and then when they won in elgland i was really relieved lol
Re: the fighter on dvd
03/13/11 1:10 pm | #4
Those are some good thoughts. I how ever like mark as an actor shooter is an awesome movie. And italian job. There's just to many to list but that maybe just me. Plus he's from MA so that helps lol
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