Closed: Talking About Moms
Posted Under: Off-Topic
Talking About Moms
07/12/10 6:19 pm | #1
Why do people talk about peoples moms when they dont even know them ? and dont know their names and where their from .... why cant we keep the trash talking to the people on xbox not outside of xbox..? we dont need to bring any other people its just ignerent (dont care about spelling).. someone even wished death on my parents and they never did nothing wrong ... i understand that some people have family issues but they dont need to put down other families...

Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 6:27 pm | #2
People think they are the coolest thing ever on the internet.. It will never change, if you were face to face with that person they would be the nicest person ever to you..
Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 6:56 pm | #3
You would do well to ignore people on Xbox.
Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 7:06 pm | #5
Re: Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 7:38 pm | #7
Quote by KnuckPuck:
Its funny.
Agreed..... To a point. When my friends and I are joking around its okay and the goal is to get the biggest laugh. Its cool cuz the we would defend eachothers moms all day long against something real. Online though.... People are pricks. Especially those who try to stir the pot and get others riled up. We've all heard the saying about arguing on the internet and winning the special olympics (No offence intended). Well its true.... There are just some real chodes out there who have to insult you and get others to laugh at you cuz they are losers themselves. Don't sweat it. Take it with a grain of salt.
Re: Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 8:23 pm | #9
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
You know... there is a certain point at which people on Xbox are at fault. But then there are the points where you need to realize you need to stop bitching about everyone else and realize that, in the end, all that matters is what you do about it.
Shut up and take it. Or don't.
I have noticed that your threads recently have just been complaining about people on Xbox LIVE.
Shut up and take it. Or don't.
I have noticed that your threads recently have just been complaining about people on Xbox LIVE.
whats ur point ... i can say whatever i want fag if u dont like it dont read it retard
Re: Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 9:11 pm | #11
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
You know... there is a certain point at which people on Xbox are at fault. But then there are the points where you need to realize you need to stop bitching about everyone else and realize that, in the end, all that matters is what you do about it.
Shut up and take it. Or don't.
I have noticed that your threads recently have just been complaining about people on Xbox LIVE.
Shut up and take it. Or don't.
I have noticed that your threads recently have just been complaining about people on Xbox LIVE.
Agreed, your either making threads that are useless duplicates of threads that are already posted or your bitching about something....I'm not sure how old are you but "Shut up and take it. Or don't" pretty much sums it up....that and the term Grow up dude....You keep making these dumbass threads and pretty soon people here are going to get tired of you and then your going to have more people bitching at you, not just on xbox live
Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 9:21 pm | #12
Dude... Your mom.
Re: Re: Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 9:26 pm | #13
Quote by very sneeky:
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
You know... there is a certain point at which people on Xbox are at fault. But then there are the points where you need to realize you need to stop bitching about everyone else and realize that, in the end, all that matters is what you do about it.
Shut up and take it. Or don't.
I have noticed that your threads recently have just been complaining about people on Xbox LIVE.
Shut up and take it. Or don't.
I have noticed that your threads recently have just been complaining about people on Xbox LIVE.
whats ur point ... i can say whatever i want fag if u dont like it dont read it retard
kind of off topic, but I was wondering if you could help me learn The definition of a word I heard today... ironic or irony or something like that.
Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 10:09 pm | #14
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler

Re: Talking About Moms
07/12/10 10:27 pm | #15
Geez kids, play nice.
There is no rule about making ascinine threads and it is in the off topic Forum. However I will lay the smack down if this turns into a name calling thread. I'm also looking up the definition of irony at the moment.
Oh and.....
....because I did this to yo' mamma!
You suck man but yo' mamma's sweet! (Please someone have seen Superfly II)
Because people get insulted by "your mom" jokes and that is why people do them. If you don't take offense people won't get their sick amusement out of irritating you. Life lesson learned. Ahh feels good.
There is no rule about making ascinine threads and it is in the off topic Forum. However I will lay the smack down if this turns into a name calling thread. I'm also looking up the definition of irony at the moment.
Oh and.....

....because I did this to yo' mamma!
You suck man but yo' mamma's sweet! (Please someone have seen Superfly II)
Because people get insulted by "your mom" jokes and that is why people do them. If you don't take offense people won't get their sick amusement out of irritating you. Life lesson learned. Ahh feels good.