Prepare to meet thy DOOM!
Doom was the second FPS made in video game in history. Wow, how long has it been since I last played this? Well, never. As a matter of fact, I never even heard of the game till I saw that episode of Family Guy. So anyways, this game was voted the 6th greatest game of all time by Game Informer. It's not hard to see why, considering the game is the basis of all First Person Shooters, redefining how today's games are played today. The game cost me 400 points, and there is 200 gamer score to be earned.
So the game is about a guy who looks like William Shatner, who likes to for no apparent reason shoot soldiers, monsters, and....... more soldiers. His objective is to complete the first level, and so on, and repeat, so he can rot in eternity in a video game (I made that up).

When I was playing this, I wondered what version of Doom I was playing. Was it the 32x, the SNES, the Saturn, the Playstation, the 3DO, the Game Boy Advanced, the Atari Jaguar, or the N64 version? Crap, this must've been the most ported video game in history! Well obviously, it's the PC version, the one it first came out on. After all, it obviously wasn't 32x, because the music didn't sound like farting, and it wasn't the SNES, cause the SNES graphics are horrible. I swear, console ports never work out for PC games, well, at least this version on XBLA turned out great. Then again this is probably available, on Wii's virtual console and PS3. So how many ports is that?
Twelve! Most ported video game in history. Care to prove me wrong?
So, the graphics are very blocky, but that's vintage character. And the enemies don't appear as a blur in digital form far away.
Music is..... well, kicking ass as usual, after all it's Doom, what did you expect? Although some music sounds depressing, not pumping me up a lot. 9.9 for you Doom!
I think the game play is pretty good, the controls feel just like a modern day first person shooter. Why does the shotgun kill so far away? Ooh, that's going to cost you a tenth of a point Doom! 9.8 for you so far.
Now there are some things that have been added to Doom to make it better. You can play on Xbox Live for example, only four player though. I'll give you some credit for that, but the lack of online people per map sucks. Back to 9.9!

And we are done. Final score... 9.9! Yah! Well actually, we are not done. There's something missing from Doom that I can't accept. No, I don't care about the graphics. Even though the console ports sucked a little bit, there was something that I liked from the console ports that WASN'T in this PC version of Doom.
I thought it would be a good idea if this version of Doom harnessed good qualities from the other ports for this Doom game. This has to do with the music. Doom's PC version of the music was good, but I thought the music from the 3DO version should have been imported to the PC version. Yes, 3DO was a bad console, but DAMN that music was good.
This is the 3DO music version of Doom.
You know it sounds better than PC! Don't lie to me. Heck, ever the SNES sounds smoother and not as stiff with the notes. We know music doesn't make the game play, but this was something I don't appreciate the developers to pass up on.
Oh, and the achievements are easy. If you can find someone online to play with, you can get both of the online achievements. KILL 200 people!
Overall score, 9.5. This is a must have for any fan of Doom. The game is great, and the action keeps you turned on. Although the lack of people to play with online could've been modified a little, 4 is just not enough. And I love that music.
Bye everyone, thanks for reading. Oh, and this is a gift for you.
32x's doom music!